• @infinitevalence
      65 months ago

      Understand that when ROE was overturned I called a family member of the democratic party and ripped them a new one over that. Its their fault for not standing up to the republicans when the stole two justices. Its their fault that we have seen the erosion of voter rights. Its their fault Trump won because “its her turn”, and it will be their fault again when Trump wins again because they have no actual leadership and Biden is not a viable candidate anymore.

      So yes I agree that they can act cowardly and lack a spine as a group, but Bernie has done more to bring progressive ideals to the party, and done more to demonstrate how weak that party is than just about anyone over the last 30 years. I dont see the value in having him self immolate on this single issue. I also find Biden’s stance on it the bigger issue. It should not require Bernie to alone stand on the capital steps and burn himself in fire to make a point.

      • PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS [he/him, they/them]OP
        5 months ago

        this single issue

        This single issue is genocide. And you treat it like it’s a question of increasing the increasing the marginal tax rate. You, much like Bernie, are morally repulsive.

        It should not require Bernie to alone stand on the capital steps and burn himself in fire to make a point.

        If it’s a choice between that and supporting genocide, then uh

        match bern-disgust

        • @infinitevalence
          15 months ago

          You, much like Bernie, are morally repulsive.

          O man, you got me I have been outed to the whole internet as a morally repulsive person that wanted to try to have a discussion about a nuanced political issue while also holding personal values that contrast with the position of the representative in question.

          Guess I will have to go support the status quo, since being opposed to genocide and apartheid is morally repulsive.

          TBH it was my error, I for some crazy reason forgot that c/politics is for fascist blowjobs and not nuanced discussion.

          I have no idea what your goal is here, but the guy who pointed out that Bernie is not going to fuck me contributed more to the discussion than your ability to read at a 2nd grade level.

            • @infinitevalence
              15 months ago

              It was my first attempt at trying a different method to see if you actually want to talk, I may keep trying because im sure we have more in common than you think. Just need to find the right combination of memes and fascist misogyny to signal that were on the same side.

              • PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS [he/him, they/them]OP
                5 months ago

                I also love to accuse people who disagree with me of being a misogynist for some reason. Plus I also think it’s cool to have “nuanced” take on supporting genocide. We really do have a lot in common after all. Do you want to make out?

                • @infinitevalence
                  25 months ago

                  still dont disagree with you, and still dont support genocide, but hey we seem to be getting closer!

                  I find your method of communicating your position ineffective and confrontational in a way that is reminiscent of fascism. Using hostility and anger to try to bludgeon people into your perspective is not the most productive way to change minds.

                  Im stuck living with people who think anyone that is a shade of brown is less than human and that having an immigration policy is silly when we have guns and ammo. I cant reach these people and help them see that it cant be simplified in to black and white by calling them stupid and being dismissive of their feelings and now their identity has been tied into their “political” team.

                  So maybe instead of replying with so much hostility to a person who also wants to end genocide we can have a better discussion of what can be done, what could Bernie say.

                  Just a thought… maybe we move the ball rather than arguing over if the ball is being moved.

                  • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
                    305 months ago

                    I find your method of communicating your position ineffective and confrontational in a way that is reminiscent of fascism.

                    Fascism is when i get trolled for being a nuance nerd very-intelligent

                    That should for real be a site tagline though

                  • DongWang [comrade/them, they/them]
                    275 months ago

                    “ stuck living with people who think anyone that is a shade of brown is less than human and that having an immigration policy is silly when we have guns and ammo. I cant reach these people and help them see that it cant be simplified in to black and white by calling them stupid and being dismissive of their feelings and now their identity has been tied into their “political” team”

                    Silence is complicity. From your own descriptions you are coddling people who would kill anybody who’s not white and you want to come in here, handwringing and taking up all the oxygen in the discussion because your feelings were hurt because you respect Bernie.

                    I guess someone who’s too afraid to call a racist a racist WOULD look up to Bernie.

              • sharedburdens [she/her, comrade/them]
                164 months ago

                Just need to find the right combination of memes and fascist misogyny to signal that were on the same side.

                Really telling that if you actually think we’re fascist misogynists your objective is apparently to try to win us over by also being one.

                That sort of falls apart because our main issue is that Bernie is going along with the standard US “foreign policy” - put brown people in camps when we’re not indescriminantly bombing them.

                I will say first instinct when I run into fascists is not to try to be like “see I’m one of you too” but maybe I’m just not as nuanced.

      • shreddingitlater [he/him, comrade/them]
        345 months ago

        So it’s ok to call your relative and ring them out over whatever likely minor role they had in the rollback of abortion protections, but we can’t find fault in one of the most prominent members of the senate who’s supposedly the figurehead of progressive politics in the US because he’s essentially supporting a genocide?

        If his legacy is that of popularizing more left wing views in the US, he’s doing everything he can to destroy all of that and self immolate by supporting Israeli genocide. Even by your “realpolitik” perspective of some leftist endgame - one that he has absolutely no chance of reaching before he dies of old age no matter how nice he plays - you should be condemning him outright as well.

        • @infinitevalence
          35 months ago

          No i called a family member, there is no point in calling my representatives, they were for repealing ROE and one of them is a child sex trafficker who groomed a high school student to be his now wife.

      • culpritus [any]
        335 months ago

        Bernie has done more to bring progressive ideals to the party

        except calling out an ongoing genocide by an ethno-nationalist-state, seems like that would be a really good thing to bring to the party right now

        he couldn’t even agree with the comparison with South Africa Apartheid, complete just smoothing over the status quo

        if he can’t even do that, how does he expect to stop the military aid bill?

        • @infinitevalence
          35 months ago

          probably not, and he is not really my type either.