Even though this would be a win for all Americans – and humanity – it apparently did not outweigh the politics of making a Democrat look good. This is the definition of party over country.

I’m a doctor.So is my mother. When she got cancer, I realized how little that mattered.

Republicans have stated budget cuts need to be made with an ever-growing debt. But where was this attitude when tax cuts for the wealthy were on the table in 2017? They don’t have to look at patients in the eye and break the devastating news that they have cancer. They don’t have to treat cancers that block intestines or drown a patient’s lungs in fluid.

    • Rhaedas
      1072 months ago

      Or Bush/Cheney got rid of experts on Al-Qaeda and bin Laden upon taking over the office because of whatever reasons.

      • @Eldritch@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Because the Bush family had always been close to the house of saud. Of which Bin Laden was a member. On September 11th before anything was even clear. They had gone through and evacuated every member of the House of saud from the US. The majority of the attackers being from Saudi Arabia and also funded by Saudi Arabia. Bin Laden was also trained and armed by his father and Ronald Reagan. Their history goes way back.

        • Rhaedas
          212 months ago

          Ah, yes, back when “enemy of my enemy is my friend” was used.

          • @WarlordSdocy@lemmy.world
            142 months ago

            What do you mean the group we funded to fight off the imperialistic superpower that we were in a Cold War against is now against us and our interference in the region? /s

          • @ShaggySnacks@lemmy.myserv.one
            42 months ago

            A true leopard’s ate my face moment.

            “I didn’t think my enemy would attack us when we supported them in attacking our enemies!”

    • @kbotc@lemmy.world
      242 months ago

      … But that was a Bush thing.

      “You’ve got to read this,” Fran Townsend remembers the president telling her. “He said, ‘Look, this happens every 100 years. We need a national strategy.’”

      Thus was born the nation’s most comprehensive pandemic plan – a playbook that included diagrams for a global early warning system, funding to develop new, rapid vaccine technology, and a robust national stockpile of critical supplies, such as face masks and ventilators, Townsend said.


      Like, Regeneron and Moderna were direct US DARPA funding that came out because Bush was certain a new flu pandemic was enroute any day now.

    • @kautau@lemmy.world
      142 months ago

      Trump wants to disband most beneficial government agencies because it’s a win win for him. Fascists need enemies, and his corporate mistresses will benefit from deregulation

    • OptionalOP
      1282 months ago

      We said that in 1992 and 2000, and 2004, and 2008, and 2020, and

      • El Barto
        592 months ago

        2012 too, man. Congress shut down the government under Obama because “fuck you, that’s why!”

      • @Asafum@feddit.nl
        182 months ago

        And we’ll say it again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and…

        As long as there is a population of ultra wealthy individuals there will always be an asshole party entirely dedicated to those people… :(

      • BigFig
        242 months ago

        Where are you from, let’s analyze the horors of your nations past and why you should be ashamed of it even though you had nothing to do with it.

        • @StupidBrotherInLaw@lemmy.world
          -32 months ago

          I think the big difference for some countries is their atrocities are in the past while the United States is committing them right now and has been doing so consistently for the last few decades.

          But yeah, totally the same.

          • BigFig
            182 months ago

            the stupidity in both of these statements, mine (rhetorical) and OPs is regardless of the atrocities, its not the average person’s fault. To imply that ALL Americans have blood on their hands, and ALL Americans should be ashamed of their nation’s atrocities is just stupid. The average person has no connection to or ability to stop said atrocities. We were just born here man, sins of the father and all that shit.

      • @explodicle@sh.itjust.works
        22 months ago

        Failing to ruin your life by going first at a revolution with zero coordination is basically the same thing as voting for cancer.

        • Ænima
          102 months ago

          I think they just might, though. There’s a unifying experience with cancer that transcends party lines. Not a single person in this country has not been affected themselves or know someone affected by cancer.

          Democrats really need to drive this point home. They need to make this personal for every voter, not partisan. Blatantly say that cancer doesn’t give a fuck if you’re Republican, Democrat, wealthy, or poor. Or can come for anyone, even those that have spent their life trying to live healthily.

          What they’ve done it’s akin to an alien invasion movie where instead of defending the planet, Congress decides to do nothing because it might give someone they don’t like a political win. It baffles my mind how inhumane Republicans and the mega wealthy are.

          Honestly, if tRump was president and there was a chance to cure cancer for good, I’d be 100% fine giving him that win. I’d send him a personal fucking thank you letter.

          Fuck cancer and fuck Republicans!

      • @Asafum@feddit.nl
        212 months ago

        Sean Hannity: As usual the Demonrats are LYING about how our brave Congress stood up to the elites that were demanding that you give your hard earned tax money to democrat pharma companies! They aren’t looking to cure cancer, they’re LYING!

        and every maga moron will believe it.

        There is no true reality to be agreed upon when propaganda is allowed to run so rampant. I FULLY believe 1000000% that the BIGGEST problem we have is propaganda. Solve that and we can actually start making progress.

          • @Cryophilia@lemmy.world
            52 months ago

            We’ve been trampling over the first amendment for decades. Not saying it’s a good thing, but there’s absolutely precedent.

          • @Asafum@feddit.nl
            2 months ago

            That’s why we haven’t solved it. I really don’t know what the answer is to be honest.

            The closest I can think of is enforcing some regulations about news media. Fox and anyone else should NOT be allowed to have their opinion shows where they lie with impunity on the same network/channel as their actual journalistic programs.

            Ask any Magoo what they think of Sean Hannity (opinion host) and then ask them what they thought of Shepard Smith (actual news anchor) they were both on fox and you’ll see the result.

            My father: Shepard Smith is too opinionated that’s why I trust Hannity more.

        • experbia
          42 months ago

          we will always have stupid, hateful, regressive people in our society, and we will always have those that cater to them to make a buck. it’s easier and better to instead try and work around them to advance society anyway. they’ll complain about anything and everything no matter what we do. might as well do good.

        • @pyre@lemmy.world
          32 months ago

          maga morons don’t matter. when will people understand, winning for democrats is not about deprogramming cult members. it’s about winning the undecided and energizing their base so they actually get their ass to the voting machines.

          conservatives are and always have been a minority. the reason they keep winning is that they vote. and they do everything in their power to prevent others from voting.

      • @Etterra@lemmy.world
        162 months ago

        This. Reagan in particular just lovedb nothing more than knocking the supports out from under bridges. Fucking old bastard.

      • @sparkle@lemm.ee
        2 months ago

        The stuff passed during Nixon’s presidency was mostly not bad, because he had a progressive congress and knew it was good for his public image if he went along with their stuff (and took credit for their successes), but Nixon realized Southern Strategy, and his presidency perhaps marked the start of descent into incivility and absurdity in politics. He was a piece of shit in every regard imaginable, but he wasn’t an obstructionist afaik.

        Reagan is where policy took a SHARP dive, straight into the ground. He was the next step which was allowed by Nixon turning national politics into a rapid-fire shit-spewing competition.

        • @thatKamGuy@sh.itjust.works
          32 months ago

          I won’t necessarily speaking on policy, but more-so as a time-frame of when certain lines were crossed.

          With Nixon, the Nixon Goes to China moment could be argued was the point in time which ultimately lead to massive off-shoring/out-sourcing that gutted America’s manufacturing industries and set the middle-class on its downward spiral.

          Then there was his prolonging of the Vietnam War for his political benefit, at the cost of needless soldiers lives.

          Then there’s the whole Watergate fiasco, which directly led to the founding of Fox News.

          • @postmateDumbass@lemmy.world
            02 months ago

            Calling opening relations with China as a negative is a bad take.

            The companies that sold out the skeleton of the USA, by screwing the employees to pay shareholders and executives, are to blame for the current situation.

            Was the EPA also a negative move to you?

      • Stern
        32 months ago

        Reagan led the charge but there was also folks like Gingrich and Armey doing stuff like the Contract with America (Heritage Foundation endorsed) and pushing to never let the dems have a win, and always oppose whatever they do.

        I’m of the opinion that sunshine laws also fucked things up but that’s a whole other discussion.

        • @irreticent@lemmy.world
          22 months ago

          I’m of the opinion that sunshine laws also fucked things up but that’s a whole other discussion.

          I apologize for steering the conversation toward another discussion, but I’m unfamiliar with the Sunshine Laws so I did a quick search:

          “Sunshine laws are regulations requiring transparency and disclosure in government or business. Sunshine laws make meetings, records, votes, deliberations, and other official actions available for public observation, participation, and/or inspection. Sunshine laws also require government meetings to be held with sufficient advance notice and at times and places that are convenient and accessible to the public, with exceptions for emergency meetings.” (https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/sunshinelaws.asp, Sept. 2023)

          Again, I’m not familiar but, I’m not seeing a problem with transparency and advance notice to ensure transparency. What particular issues do you have with Sunshine Laws?

    • @Alexstarfire@lemmy.world
      282 months ago

      We fought ourselves over slaves. Think stuff like this has always been in our blood. The world wars just made us look good for a while.

      • Enkrod
        142 months ago

        Is this what happens when Germany stays out of trouble for a couple of decades?

      • @dejected_warp_core@lemmy.world
        102 months ago

        I think this hits the nail right on the head.

        For a while now I’ve been pondering this very thing. I can’t prove it conclusively, but I honestly think this goes all the way back.

        $0.02: The USA was started as a bunch of colonies, and we’re co-cohabiting with lunatics that think this still is one. Over time, territory expanded westward up to and through the Civil War. This was done by the kind of people that came to a foreign land, saw it was full of people already, and decided to completely upend that whole situation for their own benefit. You know, the whole “screw them, got mine” world outlook. This is also an ethos that is completely compatible (if not required) with owning people (slavery), secession to maintain that ability, spilling blood over it, and continuing to punch down on “people not like us” for a 150 years since losing that fight. In a sense, we’re up against colonists, the values they espoused, their great-great-great-offspring, and people in their community that keep those values alive.

      • @jaemo@sh.itjust.works
        42 months ago

        And when you FUCKING WON you did the thing I would never do. The South would have been a smoldering pit of cinders in my timeline. I’d have decorated the halls of the white house with the hides of the plantation owners.

        You’ve learned nothing in all these years except how to be polite to the scum you beat until they inched their way back on top of you. It’s truly one of the most vile tales in human history.

        • @4lan@lemmy.world
          52 months ago

          This is why I celebrate the legacy of John Brown. One of the greatest American heroes of all time, considered a terrorist by our government for murdering slave owners freeing their slaves and then arming those slaves to go free more.

          John Brown is my hero. We need more of him today.

    • @TopRamenBinLaden@sh.itjust.works
      2 months ago

      Really shows how ass backwards the US really is.

      Cuba, a country that the US has tried to destroy for over 60 years now with economic sanctions, has better healthcare than the US, aka the richest nation on the planet.

      There is no excuse for the state of healthcare in the US. We really have some evil, greedy people deciding to let people die so they can have more money.

      • @CheeseNoodle@lemmy.world
        152 months ago

        Also Cuba didn’t really do anything? They only truly alligned themselves with the communist block after the united states decided to start being shitty to them out of nothing but paranoia. Classic tyrant looking everywhere for conspiracies and causing some to appear moment.

  • Ænima
    2 months ago

    From now on, anyone who loses someone to cancer will not have to wonder what happened or how it could have been prevented. Death to cancer no longer has anonymity. The mask will forever be removed. We can now lay future loses and pain due to this horrible fate at the feet of Republicans and their partisan horseshit.

    Fuck, I hate those fuckers, now as much as I hate cancer!

    • @jaemo@sh.itjust.works
      132 months ago

      Since they’ve aligned themselves with cancer, I submit that transitive property is a thing. Ergo, they now are cancer.

      And you know what we do to cancer, right kids? Fire, lasers, poison and radiation.

  • @TheObviousSolution@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    This has been the GQP party line for quite some time now, make the national debt only matter when they aren’t the ruling party. It’s their only way to look good, they know Democrats won’t hold US citizens hostage so they can stuff bills with whatever they want and still get them passed because Democrats won’t let US citizens suffer. Meanwhile all they do is just nuke legislation when they aren’t in power because they couldn’t care less. They don’t appeal to the same voters, just those they can brainwash, and they hedge their bets so those voters matter more.

  • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
    372 months ago

    How very on-brand for these Republican jerks.

    Also, ever notice how often things are attributed to “Congress” in headlines like this? I mean, given the mention of Biden you could infer that it’s most likely the REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS, not “Congress”, from the headline since it mentions blocking a win for Biden, but…still. Seems to happen a lot. It must be more about that “objective journalism” and the “balance”, etc…

    • The Quuuuuill
      42 months ago

      And it stands to benefit those Republican congressmen who run back to their jurisdictions and say “Washington isn’t doing anything about your needs. Send me back and I’ll obstruct them from doing the things that aren’t helping you”

      Its a huge fucking scam

  • @smokin_shinobi@lemmy.world
    372 months ago

    Need to be putting this on billboards in red states. Let everybody who has lost family or has family battling cancer know what they have done.

      • Ænima
        42 months ago

        Not this time. Cancer isn’t communicative and there is no one alive who has not known someone battling or lost from cancer. It’s not a personal failing of the individual and it doesn’t give a shit who you are or how you live. It just might be the first time that a Republican voter could tangibly see how the wealthy and Republicans look to keep them dead, rather than do something nonpartisan.

        Fuck a “win for Joe.” They just blocked a win for humanity. We all know that in the end, you bet your ass the wealthy will have no problem getting their hands on this no matter the price or extremes they have to go to as soon as they are personally affected.

        Seriously, buy ads on every type of public media display possible. It could read:

        F#k a win for Joe!* Republicans in Congress just voted to let you and anyone you love die in the name of letting you and anyone you care about die from cancer!

        Call your local representative and demand they put their partisanship aside, because I’m sick of seeing good people lose their lives to something that we now have the power to stop for the benefit of all of humanity!

        I don’t know. Maybe throw out shit about how even beloved pets get cancer and die even sooner than we expect because of this shit. Maybe show a picture of a sickly dog shining down from a glowing halo. I’m just spit-balling here. You all get it!

        • @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Cancer isn’t communicative

          No, but it IS environmental. And we’ve been flooding our air, sea, and soil with toxic waste for decades.

          That makes us a Hippie Green Issue, so Republicans oppose it.

  • @danc4498@lemmy.world
    332 months ago

    Dems in power: Oh, won’t somebody think of the deficit!!!

    Republicans in power: Cut taxes, double the military, cut more taxes (only the corporations this time).

    • @WldFyre@lemm.ee
      252 months ago

      Lmfao the GOP raised taxes on the middle class with Trump, what the fuck are you talking about

      • @danc4498@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Pretty sure he lowered taxes on everybody. It benefited the rich and corporations the most, but he definitely didn’t raise taxes on anybody…

        He also set these non corporate tax cuts to expire after he left office…

        Edit: to everybody downvoting me, Trump did not raise taxes! Quit being dishonest when there are so many truthful arguments against the POS.

          • @danc4498@lemmy.world
            52 months ago

            Right. He did not raise taxes as the other comment said.

            Not that what he did was good, but we should get the facts straight at least…

        • @AA5B@lemmy.world
          22 months ago

          Arguably taxes were raised for high tax, high cost of living states. For me, the major change was no longer being able to deduct all the property tax I pay, much less state income tax.

          While yes I make a good income, it doesn’t stretch as far where I live. More importantly, my house is an 80+ year old starter home - I’m not crying into my avocado toast from some McMansion in a gated suburb with HOA.

          • @danc4498@lemmy.world
            12 months ago

            Are you saying that you would have paid less in taxes on the previous tax code? Either way, this probably affected a relatively small percentage of people.

            The blanket statement that “Trump raised taxes on the middle class” is false.

            • @AA5B@lemmy.world
              12 months ago

              Yes I believe I would have paid less taxes before the “tax cut”, but admittedly it’s tough to directly compare

              At the very least, the cap on state and local taxes exemptions was unfair to high tax, high cost of living states. This clause predominantly affects “blue” states, and there’s a good chance it affects “most” homeowners in some areas. This is not just the rich.

              Trump raised taxes on middle class homeowners living near cities in Blue states

    • @1995ToyotaCorolla@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      congressional swimming retreat on the Cuyahoga River?

      Hold on I got more:

      free housing for congress members on Love Canal?

      Go sight seeing in East Palestine?

      bikini atoll beach day?

      Spa day in Centralia, PA?

      • @BobGnarley@lemm.ee
        72 months ago

        You could send them to northst Louis. It’s heavily irradiated from all the uranium refinement that Mallinkrodt did for the government in the 40s. They just poured it out in a big hole that they then turned into a garbage heap and set on fire.

        Its conveniently where all the poor people live.

    • Media Sensationalism
      82 months ago

      I wouldn’t bother. If it’s legitimate cancer, the body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.