• @Soup@lemmy.cafe
      62 hours ago

      This is the only logical answer for this. Otherwise- their deaths mean nothing.

  • SSTF
    3 hours ago

    What is going on here? The laws came into place in September 2021, but mortality was already climbing from 2019-2021. What was going on those years to cause this? Then a sharp decline in mortality between 2021 and 2022 for two of the three groups.

      • SSTF
        2 hours ago

        I really wish the article talked about those years rather than just comparing 2019 to 2022, given that 2022 is a drop compared to 2021. Or if the article had showed the same chart with national data of those same years 2019-2022 for a good compare and contrast visual to show the national mortality rate climb and then post-Covid drop. As it is, the law goes into place and then mortality rate drops, which could easily be a talking point in its favor, even if it may be a deceptive point. By not addressing that, and instead glossing over the article seems incomplete.

    • @DokPsy@infosec.pub
      43 hours ago

      Defunding of women’s health programs such as planned parenthood started long before the actual ban

      • SSTF
        13 hours ago

        But then overall mortality went down in 2022 compared to 2021?

          • SSTF
            52 minutes ago

            The comment I replied to said the spike was due to woman’s programs being defunded. I don’t know if it was that, or covid, or something else. Right now it appears everyone is speculating the reason. Some detail, specifically some from the article would have been helpful. In its face, the article is blaming a 2021 law for a rise in mortality between 2019-2022, despite the mortality rate declining overall after the law went into effect. I don’t think that’s the whole story, but the article seems to gloss over it.

    • Flax
      -22 hours ago

      Because it’s got nothing to do with abortion.

  • @TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world
    6 hours ago

    It’s pathetic these clowns call themselves pro-life without vomiting. Their platform is based entirely around murdering pregnant women. They don’t care how many times you explain this is essential healthcare, they are happy to let these women die because in their mind they deserve it for daring to try and save their own life with an abortion. It will be so sad and predictable when they find out the women in their life get ectopic pregnancies too, I wonder how much their lives are worth to these dishonest ghouls.

    • @orcrist@lemm.ee
      122 minutes ago

      To them, hypocrisy is a virtue. This is all about power and has nothing to do with integrity.

    • Flax
      -52 hours ago

      Less than 1% of abortions are due to it being a risk to the woman’s life. Catch a grip.

  • @davidagain@lemmy.world
    7 hours ago

    You’d think this would give republicans pause, or make them reconsider.

    Young women dying in dramatically increasing numbers.

    But it won’t.

    All these young women left to die on the altar of their misinterpretation of their religion and their uncaring principles.

    But no, it was a policy born in hate and the tragic imposed deaths of women are not an unfortunate side effect, they’re just misogyny in action. Working itself out.

    If they cared about babies, there would be more support for women, for early years interventions, and maybe they might also care about children dying in schools on the altar of their misunderstanding of their 2nd amendment and their uncaring principles.

    But no, they don’t care about children dying in schools either, and do you know why? Because caring about children dying in schools doesn’t involve telling women what they have to do and ruling their lives with oppressive freedom-denying laws.

    Caring about children dying in schools would involve some infringement on their UNDENYABLE RIGHT TO FEEL IMPORTANT with a gun and caring about women dying in childbirth would interfere with their UNDENYABLE RIGHT TO FEEL IMPORTANT with a rule about what women can and can’t do.

    • Flax
      -32 hours ago

      Are you implying being against abortion is a misinterpretation of the Bible? How?

      • @davidagain@lemmy.world
        32 hours ago

        I don’t know any religious people who think abortion is great, but I don’t know any pro-choice folk who think it’s great either, they just think it shouldn’t land a woman or a health professional in jail and they don’t like that the maternal death rate is climbing so fast in Texas which had the first five-week abortion limit in the states.

        Before the republicans figured they could be really judgemental and condemnatory about it (what does your Bible say about that kind of behavior?) and use it as a wedge issue to drive religious folks away from the democrats, it was originally a catholic-only thing to be absolutely opposed to abortion for a long time, justified by a misinterpretation of the sin of Onan, which the catholics somehow took to be a lesson about semen not being allowed on the floor, when it’s quite clearly about family duty and not help to provide a kid for his brother’s young widow who would otherwise be childless - held to be shameful for her. He wasn’t kind. I think you could boldly interpret that story to be pro IVF but I don’t think you can interpret it to be anti-abortion and anti women’s choice unless you’re really baked-in misogynistic before you think about it.

        Yeah I know it says “do not murder” but the abortion bans are literally killing women with already dead foetuses because no health professional can afford to risk their career and freedom to take any step whatsoever to save their lives until it’s obvious enough that they’re at death’s door that the court couldn’t conclude otherwise. “She might have died later” isn’t compelling enough - “she was coding” is.

        I challenge you to find a bible passage explicitly condemning abortion. I can find you at least ten explicitly condemning judgementalism, but also condemning not caring for the poor, not caring for foreigners, walking by when others are suffering, not healing someone when you can. The modern republican party is so far from “What Would Jesus Do?” and worships the liar in chief, Donald J Trump.

        So yes, somehow a bunch of big american corporate churchgoers got convinced that being rich is a sign you are a good person, that stopping abortion is the main lesson from the scriptures and that caring about black people, foreigners, poor people etc is evil. Somehow “let the person who did nothing wrong cast the first stone… go, I don’t condemn you either” became “lock her up”. If you don’t think that’s a misinterpretation of your Bible, yours is different to the ones I’ve seen.

        • Flax
          15 minutes ago

          I actually agree with a good chunk of what you said. I thank you for not strawmanning me or making presumptions of being like how you described. The Bible advocates for caring for the poor, not judging hypocritically, for caring for the suffering and sick, and that I believe Trump is an antichrist and not Christian at all.

          I’d also like to note that I agree with Abortion if it’s simply removing a dead foetus. I see that as less of an abortion and more of removing a dead foetus that’s already dead.

          As for abortions in case of the pregnancy might kill the woman, those are exceedingly rare as is, but should still be allowed.

          Anyway, for the question at hand:

          I’ll skip out in the commandment showing murder is bad, but of course murder being bad is a necessary principle.

          We see a few instances in the Bible of unborn children being human lives. A notable example recorded by St Luke is John the Baptist. He leapt in the womb when Mary appeared carrying Jesus in her womb

          Luke 1:41-42 ESV

          And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, and she exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!

          Jacob and Esau fought each other in the womb, so were clearly conscious

          Genesis 25:21-23 ESV

          And Isaac prayed to the Lord for his wife, because she was barren. And the Lord granted his prayer, and Rebekah his wife conceived. The children struggled together within her, and she said, “If it is thus, why is this happening to me?” So she went to inquire of the Lord. And the Lord said to her, “Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you shall be divided; the one shall be stronger than the other, the older shall serve the younger.”

          Instances of this are even recorded scientifically


          King David writes about children even being made by God in the poetry of the 139th Psalm

          Psalm 139:13-14 ESV

          For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.

          So as the Bible doesn’t say “thou shalt not kill a foetus”, it is implying that foetus are human life. Worth noting that the Bible doesn’t explicitly mention the Triune nature of God as we define, but the nature comes from reading the Bible and revealed through them and what it shows about each Person of God. It also doesn’t explicitly condemn slavery but it’s frequently protrayed in a bad light. Jesus doesn’t demand worship, but is shown being God and receiving it. So it doesn’t have to be explicitly said. The Bible as a whole isn’t a book of laws or a legal code.

  • @Warjac@lemmy.world
    78 hours ago

    I’m not aure why they don’t consider the fetus a home invader and try to invoke stand your ground laws.

  • @samokosik@lemmy.world
    3212 hours ago

    If someone says, “I support this because I am conservative,” you actually mean, “I support this because I am a cock.”

  • @GiddyGap@lemm.ee
    3813 hours ago

    The Republicans in power can see in the statistics that more black and brown people are dying, so they don’t care. Less people voting against them.

    • capital
      011 hours ago

      You risk your own and others situational awareness when you paint everything as a race issue.

      I grew up in Texas in a deep red county.

      They believe abortion is literally the same as killing a healthy 2 year old. Straight up. THAT is the basis for their opposition to abortion, plain and simple.

      You are dumbing down the discourse by being so focused on race.

      • @GiddyGap@lemm.ee
        109 hours ago

        It’s both. Unfortunately, a lot of people are incredibly racist without even knowing that they are racists. They are just doing whatever they’ve always been doing, “and now, all of a sudden, that’s racist.” It’s like when people are defending slavery because it was “normal at the time.” It was still racist! It is now and it was then.

      • @Senal@programming.dev
        1410 hours ago

        “This stops them from killing babies” and “This also predominantly affects the group I don’t like” aren’t mutually exclusive ideas

        • capital
          -36 hours ago

          They literally don’t care about skin color here. Not one iota. Murder is murder and this is that (to them).

      • You’re getting down voted, but you’re right. The actual lawmakers are probably more racially motivated. But based on my experience growing up in Alabama, most of the regular “pro-life” voters seem motivated by a genuine belief that abortion is murder.

        • @Kalysta@lemm.ee
          12 hours ago

          Until they need an abortion. Then they’re fine with it. Ask anyone who works at an abortion clinic how many times people out there protesting come in for abortions

        • capital
          09 hours ago

          I could see the race thing being more true for the politicians but even then I think it’s less of a thing than most people on Lemmy think.

          If we stop to think about it a moment I think that becomes clear.

          Do we think Ted Cruz would rather have a black Republican neighbor or a white Democrat? I truly think he’d rather have a black Republican neighbor. I believe the same is true for everyone I grew up with in Texas.

          IF we accept that (big if, admittedly) it can’t be a race thing. It would have to extend to a cultural thing.

  • @Mwa@lemm.ee
    29 hours ago

    fully banning it too far its only rlly good for saving a womens life

    • @Kalysta@lemm.ee
      32 hours ago

      They’re not pro life. They’re anti women having sex, and want to punish women for doing something as natural as breathing. It’s going to bite them in the ass, but it will be too late for so many before it does.

    • Flying Squid
      4815 hours ago

      They were never pro-life. They were never even pro-birth. They’ve never argued for anything like free pre-natal care. If something is wrong with your baby and you and your baby are going to die, that’s god’s will, so don’t you dare get an abortion.

      They are not pro-anything. They’re anti-abortion. That’s as far as it goes whether they admit it or not.

      • stebo
        614 hours ago

        i know, but it’s what they claim to be

        • Flying Squid
          914 hours ago

          I know. I just don’t think they should be allowed to get away with calling themselves that unchallenged beyond the “and you call yourselves pro-life?” I feel the need to point out that they literally could not give less of a shit whether or not any given fetus lives or dies as long as medical intervention isn’t required for the latter.

          • Jojo, Lady of the West
            28 hours ago

            On the one hand, I absolutely think it’s worth calling out. On the other hand, they’ll often be very quick to try and turn it around on you, calling anyone pro-choice pro-death or saying they “want to kill babies”.

            Obviously those aren’t quite the same thing, but they see it as the same and I just wish there was a way to bridge that gap and have everyone listen to each other…

            • Flying Squid
              38 hours ago

              At which point, I tell them that it’s not about the fetus, it’s about the fact that people have a fundamental right to their own bodies and no one should be allowed to use their body without their consent. Just like we have people consent to organ donation.

              If they want fetuses to live, great. Start working on artificial womb technology. They don’t seem interested.

              • Jojo, Lady of the West
                17 hours ago

                Again, I agree with you. I just see the danger of refusing to acknowledge how a group conceptualizes their own position, even if they’re being deliberately blind to other factors.

                And I wish people could spend more effort trying to understand each other’s perspectives, because otherwise how does it ever change?

                I’m only barely talking about pro-life/anti-choice or pro-choice/pro-death here, too. The same kind of thinking and focusing on aspects the other person isn’t addressing is everywhere in discourse these days. And a lot of them are very close to home for me and I guess I want them to be able to consider my perspective. But they won’t, because they think of the world this way, so they see me as a problem and a problem-causer just by being me.

                Any way… Rant over I guess

                • @kofe@lemmy.world
                  16 hours ago

                  How does it ever change? The 70+% of people that disagree show up to vote. I was raised by forced birthers and have been to family therapy with them to try to talk with a neutral third party. The therapist gave us all a blanket statement that we’ll never change each other’s minds. So, fine. My brother and I just have to cancel out their votes and get more people to tip the scales.

                  Every state that’s been able to vote on it has upheld protections for abortion. More are on the ballot for November. Check your state and be ready to show up.

  • @Podunk@lemmy.world
    7120 hours ago

    Please support Elevated Access in any way you can. Even if you are not a pilot or know jack shit about general aviation, you can help. Donate to them or reach out and drive a friend to a local ga airport. Its probably outside of your hometown. Ill land on a dirt strip to help.

    I personally fly for them. Many pilots in texas do. We can cross state borders to get texas women the care they need and deserve. Colorado or new mexico doesnt have to be a ten hour drive. Ken Paxton and his ilk want to shut down the state highways to stop pro choice in Texas, but they cant stop federal airways.

    • @Reyali@lemm.ee
      68 hours ago

      I knew about Angel Flight but wasn’t aware of this. Thank you for sharing, and for flying! My dad was the top contributing pilot for Angel Flight in Texas a few years back. If he was still able to fly, I’d be pushing him to take this on as well.

  • @xmunk@sh.itjust.works
    12523 hours ago

    This is a form of class warfare: it isn’t the rich women - they can go out of state or country to get proper medical care if they need it… it’s poor women that are bearing this awful cost.

    • @danc4498@lemmy.world
      1813 hours ago

      Oddly enough, it’s the poor that are making this happen to themselves by voting for these people. Religion is a hell of a drug.