What year is it? 2004?
The median WoW player has to be at least 38.
38 year old adults are generally assumed to be of voting age, registered, and willing to vote. Do you think he’ll get better voter turnout from something like Roblox or Fortnite?
The title says “young voters”
Have you ever voted? Like, gone to the voting booth and voted? How about attended a caucus or primary? Because I regularly do, I’m 45, and I’m typically the youngest person in the building.
The US voting base is old as fuck.
People don’t realize just how enormous the Baby Boomers were, as a generation.
When I lived in FL, I swear I was the only one voting that wasn’t retired.
I first voted when I was 18. Younger people vote when you give them a candidate that actually speaks to their needs. If we had West and Stein on the national debate stage, I’m sure we’d have more young voters.
What are the needs that young people have that are not being addressed by the Harris campaign?
I mean the greatest threat to the future is the climate crisis and nuclear arsenals. Both of those require dismantling the military industrial complex.
Harris has doubled down on continuing to extract carbon and spending on the military.
But those are just the existential threats
I hear you, but please still get out and vote for Harris/Walz this November. This is about keeping the infrastructure of representative democracy in place so we will be able to work towards those needed changes. If Trump wins, all that is going away, and those of us guilty of thought crimes such as believing in global warming will end up in prison at best.
Nobody wants West or Stein except for Putin lol
I was going to find the stream and see what types are in the audience. Can’t find it.
I can glimpse 6:30PM before the paywall blocks it, though I can’t see what timezone. Looks like EST or CST, so probably just ended and vod should be up soon somewhere?
It’s twitch. Go on any channel with above 500-1000 viewers and it’ll all be the same. Unless it’s a super modded channel with sub-only and slow mode and shit. Even then you get quite a bit of spam
Great idea. But young voters ain’t playing WOW
They are watching Twitch though. And what game is playing? Doesn’t seem to matter.
My bro is exactly 38 and plays WoW daily 😅 so from my perspective you can’t be far off. Apropros for people saying wow players can vote, the attempt was to reach young voters.
I waited in line at the fountain valley fry’s.
43 here lol
We could tell from frys
If not older. I’m older than 38 and my guild mates are older than me.
I think there is a new Wow, or one coming… There have been a bunch of ads about it in the last month
One just came out. It’s pretty good, but that’s easy to say because Shadowlands set the bar very, very low.
I feel seen.
I realized today that Trump also has a Twitch (because it was recommended to me???) that basically just (re)streams his rallies.
Reported that shit for Hateful Conduct.
Even “better”, from what I recall he had what was listed as a permanent suspension after the whole “mildly incited a tiny bit of light insurrection (/s)” thing. They unbanned him specifically for this election season.
Yeah gotta give him a chance to do a major insurrection obviously, because that sounds like they banned him for failing the first time 🙄
It was pushed on my home page. I reported for inciting terrorism, and reported the twitch app on google store for political terrorism.
Do kids still do WoW? I assumed it’d be all parent aged folks by now
Article on Waltz’s gaming history…
You know what just occurred to me, Waltz might actually be on the other tail of WoW players if he picked it up in the early 2000’s. He might actually be decent at the game.
Yep. I have a relative his age or even a bit older who’s been a WoW fanatic since release.
If I was going to pick a high profile stream, I’d sandbag for a game I’m good at.
I know all of these words, but in this particular order they are nearly meaningless to me.
It’s not like they want to pander to 14 year olds, who historically have pretty low turnout
Children never show up to vote, that’s why they keep losing their rights.
It is.
Yeah well, they need to vote too. Hope it went well
Yeah, I’d guess the average age is probably ~30-35+ years old. There are probably some younger kids that play, but I’d be surprised if they represented more than a marginal amount of the overall playerbase.
Man I might be imagining things, but I’m pretty sure he played it back in the 00s. I remember him saying something about 40-man raids and leadership when he was talking to a group of high school seniors about voting.
This was right at the time he was campaigning for his first term in Congress, and I doubt it was recorded anywhere. It still makes me chuckle thinking this guy is running for VP.
“Mr. Walz what is your position on student loan forgiveness?”
“Stop DOTs”
“Interesting. What do you think the escalating border issues?”
“Many whelps. Handle it.”
Minus 50 DKP for Trump
Trump stands in the fire
“How do you propose we handle increasing aggression from Russia?”
This is one of my top two episodes!!!
I thought you were great in it!
Well here’s some fun info for ya
“How do you kill… that which has no life?” Is one of the best lines.
Oh hey, it’s Pirate Software’s dad.
I haven’t really seen much of South Park, but heard Thor talking about this. Is this actually the character they designed around his dad?
“How can you kill that which has no life?”
Twist: Tim Walz is Leeroy Jenkins
Instant vote for him. That is some presidential behavior. I’d love to finally have a progressiveish president that just tries to get shit done.
The Dean Scream of Wow. Only it got him more famous and traction.
As long as we got someone crunching the numbers, I’m cool with there being a Leroy Jenkins to ignore the stats.
‘least I have a chicken in every pot’
Ngl, if a politician goes 5/9M on stream, I might just vote for them, 100% chance if they are the raid leader
If he can get 40 randos into the same instance in under 30 minutes and kill the boss, an entire country is nothing.
What is 5/9M?
Kill 5 bosses out of the 9 total in a raid dungeon in the mythic difficulty
What’s his build?
Demo-lock to trigger the weirdos.
I saw that. For the first time, I saw that Kamala Harris was live in my recommended channels, instead of Donald Trump, who is live every other day.
They’ve a lot of time and some viewers to make up, but it’s a good start.
Cool. What policies are they going to talk about?
Making Azeroth Great Again
Roll back to Burning Crusade.
Burn Bobby kotick at the stake?
Tune in and find out? You could also just go to the Harris website and read them for yourself.
Durotar’s right to defend itself against Kobold terrorists.
As someone who swore off WoW not for gameplay reasons, but due to appalling behavior by Blizzard management, I’m not sure I think associating your political campaign with the game is a good idea.
I get what you’re saying, but I also can’t fault a political campaign for defaulting to the most “basic-bitch” MMO they can find for this sort of stunt. A VP who’s opinionated enough about Blizzard v. BNETD to eschew WoW is, frankly, too much to hope for.
What makes wow a basic bitch?
Also, I think they went with it because it’s popular and apparently walz has a history with it.
Drag would vote for a politician who streams Warframe
Lmao, then you should have went to Valorant or Overwatch.
He wants to reach out to people of voting age, not children.
Tbh Overwatch is already 8 years old. If they picked up the game as a teenager when it was most popular, chances are they can vote. While there are a lot of teens who play the game, there’s quite a large 20s demographic
WoW came out in 2004. If I wanted to reach younger voters I would not choose a 20 year old game.
Man i agree with you
Well reading through the article I actually dont agree with myself anymore if WoW is what he was good at and he was streaming. The headline made it sound like he just picked a game and launched it. Yeah, if you want people to see you play then pick something you are good at with the most players. I still believe WoW is too old for an actual “young” demographic. Once again that would be Apex Legends or something for 18-26 year olds. WoW is going to net you mid to late 30s at the youngest on average.
Roblox is also 20 years old, give or take
Yes, but you dont go to Kongregate to play Kongregate. You feel? Roblox is just the new flash games.
Also idk what Kongregate as a game is. But I would go to Armor Games to play Achievement Earned
Of course I fucking would if flash still worked?!
I have a pc program that has every flash game archived so I can play them all there.
I think theres an archival website too. Ugh I’m so fucken happy I was alive for that time. Truly a golden era of gaming for children with too much internet access.
God damn right.
Put er there 🫱
Maybe next…
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Wtf nobody under 30 is going to vote for genocide. You lost them
the choices are genocide vs worse genocide. the choices suck, but they also shouldn’t be hard
Nah. I choose no genocide. Wtf is wrong with you.
That isn’t on the ballot, you don’t understand first past the post do you?
I don’t know about you, but I have candidates on my ballot who are opposed to the genocide
You don’t, because they have literally no chance of winning, you have the illusion of choice, and voting for them is a vote for maga genocide, you’d have to be very ignorant to not see that
Don’t make the same mistake
See that’s the thing, most states don’t. To the point where it is literally mathematically impossible for anyone besides Harris or Trump to win 270 EC votes.
One more thing that I’m sure has already been explained to you as nauseum.
Are you saying you don’t understand basic arithmetic?
That’s not something you vote for, for that you need to take to the streets. But if you can’t even be bothered to go that the 10 minutes to prevent the ‘worse genocide’ candidate taking power, I doubt you’ll do that.
You don’t need to be enthusiastic about Harris, she’ll still support Israel. But Trump literally told Israel to ‘finish the job’. Don’t pretend they’re the same.
lol. Don’t make such absurd assumptions. I’ve been Palestine to work for peace there. But, unlike you, I cast my vote to align with my values, activism, and work.
If this is in any way true, then you need to know that you are doing extensive damage to the future of the Palestinian people by convincing people to vote for anyone other than Harris (or to not vote at all).
I’m certain you know this, and it’s been explained to you over and over and over (which is why I’m skeptical about your motives), so I’m not going to spell it out for you again.
But those people you allegedly worked with in Palestine will be dead in less than 6 months if Donald Trump wins.
In spite of all your whinging about “moral high ground,” the practical, real life, reality when the dust settles, would be that you played a direct (and not inconsequential) role in their murders. No abstraction needed.
So if (when) you refuse to accept this reality, I have to assume that nothing you say is in good faith, and that what I just described is the outcome that you desire.
That’s great, I’m sure you’re doing important work! But on the ballot in November there are three options:
- Vote for a party that will continue the genocide.
- Vote for a party that will accelerate and expand the genocide.
- Don’t vote.
Not voting helps boost republicans, low turnout always has. With the broken FPTP system, voting third party is equivalent to not voting.
The Palestinian cause will unfortunately not be won on the ballot anytime soon. I don’t know about you, but for me, the moral satisfaction of not having voted for the Dems is not worth throwing immigrants, gay and trans people, reproductive rights, muslims and other marginalized groups under the bus. And with Project 2025 they’ve made it abundantly clear what’s at stake.
I’m no US citizen, but if I was, I’d vote for Harris in a heartbeat. I’d curse the Dems name for the genocide they’re enabling while doing so. But the lives of queer people and immigrants are more important than my moral satisfaction.
As it stands, I’ll continue going to protests, supporting boycotts and as much as I can for Palestine over here, before I’ll vote for a German party next year that won’t free Palestine either. My government is sadly just as guilty as yours, and just like you I don’t have a viable party with a strong anti-genocide stance. But I’ll not cynically vacate the stage for fascists.
This is misinformation. There are candidates on the ballot that are opposed to the genocide.
Also, you literally have a Parliament in Germany and you’re still choosing to fuck over the Palestinians?
To your edit, what would you have me do? I’m asking honestly. At the moment, I’m voting for the most left wing party on the ballot, but even they are lukewarm when it comes to Palestine. There is no party with a pro Palestine stance.
For the EU election there was, and I’ve voted for them. I hate electoralism as much as the next gal, but what can we do as individuals?
And they will get less than a percent of votes and be forgotten. I don’t like it either.
Third party candidates are unfortunately not an option, and you know they aren’t. You and people like you are either arguing in bad faith, or you’re too disconnected with reality to know that you’re arguing in bad faith. By throwing your vote away with a third party, you are playing directly into the Republican’s playbook.
Congrats, you’re Trump’s tool.
ok, how?
Boycott. Divestment. Sanctions.
yes, obviously, but how does not voting for Harris accomplish that?
Your abstinence has high potentially to lead to election of the person who will objectively make the genocide worse, immediately undermining any moral stance you think you’re making.
Depends on where they live tbh.
I was a Bernie or buster in 2016 and I deeply regret it. Genocide is evil and we won’t defeat it by not participating in the system.
Participate. Vote West or Stein.
You didn’t finish the second sentence…
“Vote West or Stein in a primary, or a general election with Rank Choice voting, otherwise you are actively contributing to the end of your Republic.”
Or De LA Cruz (PSL).
You’re right! Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. No one is going to vote for Trump who wants to melt Palestein
You’re right about Trump, but man it still sucks we can only vote for genocide or genocide slow burn. Not that anything is really slow burn at this point anyway.
as aoc said when arguing why you should vote for biden the first time: you’re not just voting for the person who already gives you everything you want. you’re voting for the person you will argue against, criticize, protest and try to convince to do what you want. out of the two, who do you think is less likely to respond to protests? who’s more likely to be open to dialogue, even if it’s an adversarial one?
vote for Harris, then protest the fuck out of her positions you don’t like. maybe with enough pressure you can force some change. with mango mussolini you have no chance.
It does suck. And it’s ok to still vote based on the other parts of their platforms while continuing to condemn genocide.
Engage with your elected officials, your local parties, and other grassroot efforts to bring more pressure to stopping war aid to Israel. The work to change politics and policy is done between elections.
Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.
Positive change takes time. It may take longer than you and I feel it should, but it happens.
I’m absolutely certain that you’re entirely wrong.
Got vote for Trump then. That’ll really prove your point.