Wow, I’m sure the masses disagree with this opinion.
I’m so tired of opening Lemmy and seeing this stupid article.
What are you going to do about it?
Opinion piece, folks. The NYT is a boot licking rag but opinion pieces are the opinion of the individual writer, sometimes someone not even associated with the paper. I’ve seen wild shit go up there that they’d never agree with.
Opinion pieces are chosen by the editors. They don’t allow any opinions they don’t want to make print.
Yes. They put it up because everyone is reading it and seething and sharing it and talking about it.
Are you not familiar with how media operates? It’s often a cynical business reflecting only one thing: they like money.
And what a stupidly ignorant opinion that is.
It sounds like Bret really idolizes that CEO. I hope he guys the same treatment
The first step to writing an article like this is to bend your spine backwards until your head is inside your asshole.
I just threw up in my mouth a little.
It’s a Bret Stephens opinion piece. He’s the token conservative of the column. He is literally 1 out of 18 other columnists. He doesn’t even remotely represent The Times as a whole. This declaration is almost as dumb as Bret…almost.
Always has been conservative.
The author, Bret Stephens, inherited his fortune from a chemical company his parents built. Just for context as to why he defends a sleezy multi-millionaire
Even his name exudes privilege. Who names their kid Bret anymore? Seriously…
I read that as “Brat”, lol.
I mean might as well
I dunno, listen to Bonespurs whenever the NYT says anything bad about him - then it’s a failing liberal rag.
Bret Stephens is an absolute clown.
Right now they have an article for the case against vigilantism. Fucking hell qualified immunity is state based vigilantism.
Angry rich kids jacked up on radical, nihilistic philosophies can cause a lot of harm, not least to the working-class folks whose interests they pretend to champion.
Or angry, greedy rich people jacked up on conservatism.
I was hoping it was going to be a satire OpEd, but nope. Mangione is just a disaffected radical rich kid he compares to Bin Laden and other terrorists who came from well-off families. The writer stops at Thompson’s early normal life and completely disregards the health insurance industry’s problems, which Thompson’s company was a major contributor, claims people are mostly happy with their insurance while the study has no “would you prefer to pay less and get the same service for single-payer care” option. It’s basically “do you like your expensive care you have little/no choice about?”
Dude wrote an anti-populist article to be inflammatory and told people to shut up because they like their insurance overlords.
told people to shut up because they like their insurance overlords.
Idiots keep answering these surveys like bootlickers than wonder why owners change nothing.
So they are able to use sample 20k to justify police for 300m people.
If you ever answer surveys like these, don’t be a dumb ass. This is a class war, act like it.
When the only questions to surveys are:
Do you prefer:
A horse kick to the nuts
Stabbed in the eye with a hot poker
You can say: 72% of people prefer being kicked in the nuts by a horse.
There is no “I’d rather have chicken” option.
So a few answering or not will make no difference when the options are restricted to funneling the answer they want to the top.
I remember there used to be an internet joke site that included “the most accurate web poll ever” in which a significant majority votes that they wanted a car that burst into flames when you signal left more than anything in the world. In second place was a goiter.
When you click the link to take the poll, those were easily the best presented options as answers to the question “What do you want most in the world?”
One capitalist parasite down, plenty more to go.
The New York Times has been pure shit since the W years when they pushed Iraq war propaganda.
Trump is an evil moron, but he’s right about one thing, our media is full of shills and liars.
The crazy part is they are lying and shilling for the right, while being called “leftist”, it’s a fantastic lie that has been propagated.
If they call it Leftist, they can pretend to be the lovable underdog
The newspapers used to publish whatever the government said was true when it came to war and foreign policy. That changed slightly when news reporters in Vietnam repeatedly witnessed the reality and reported it back regardless of what their editors and government officials wanted to be published.
It was why Vietnam vets returning home were called baby killers. Because they were killing babies. Now the press have realigned themselves to return to being under the hegemony of the government in hopes of staying in business.
It’s been shit for longer than that.