Found out about this excellent tradition from this post:
this will be the year I finally convince everyone to abandon New Year’s resolutions in favour of Yule Boasting, the clearly superior tradition
allow me to explain. Yule boasting is an old Norse tradition of getting shitfaced at the winter solstice feast and standing up to proclaim all the great, infamous, and wildly improbable deeds you will perform in the coming year. can range from an unlikely but technically possible claim, like “I’m going to rob 300 banks”, to something you’d have to bend the laws of the universe to actually accomplish, like “I’m going to punch a god in the dick and steal his horse”. these are not plans. they’re not even goals. they’re the things you’d do in a self-insert superhero fanfic. and honestly all I want this holiday season is for a bunch of friends to go all in on this nonsense with me and hyper ourselves up in ways previously unimaginable
this will be the year I finally convince everyone to abandon New Year’s resolutions in favour of Yule Boasting, the clearly superior tradition
That sounds like a New Year resolution, so they’ve already failed!
I’m not really sure how this fits our community, but whatever! Content is good at the moment.
I’m finally going to nail Molly Ringwald.
I’m going to type faster than ChatGPT generates, and I’ll hallucinate more
- Punch my ADHD in the dick and steal its horse
- Shit on Deborah’s desk
- Force George RR Martin to finish & publish the Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring this year, then he can go party with an eight ball of heroin and hookers
- Grow pot on the national mall
- Use a giant stick to play a game of tic tac toe on the moon that’s visible from the earth
I’m going to ride a Dragon down to earth like Slim Pickens.
I’m going to ride Slim Pickins
Love it. It’s festivus for the new year!