From the book “Medicine for Infants”, 956 AD
I just dance around with a rattle and call on the power of Lemmywinks and it works for me every time
I’ve joked about onions in socks being a home remedy for stupid shit, but I never imagined that anyone would actually do it. I hope they didn’t get it from me.
The next time she checked the temperature it was 76F works really good!!
A story that The Onion would be proud of. Could have been used as a form of self-advertising, too.
You really want to add some rosemary and sage to the sock as well so it’s a proper bouquet garni. Then braise in a slow oven until fork tender.
Child abuse.
Sock onions, of course, why didn’t I think of that.
For a second I thought that baby was boiling, but then I remembered Fahrenheit exists 😂
Dropping onions in boiling baby makes more sense.
If the baby lives, the onion worked. If the baby died, didn’t use enough onion.
Conversely, if you burn your onion while cooking, you can put a few baby slices in the pot to make it go away.
Or… Ya know, you’re full of shit or your thermometer also doesn’t work.
Or they used it wrong
If you use this trick repeatedly, temperature may drop way further!
She’s an idiot. When I have a fever I tie an onion to my belt, which is still the style.
And not one of those fancy white onions like you have now.
Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. “Gimme five bees for a quarter,” you’d say.
Really? I always rub one over my penis, you know, the classy way
Waaaay up your butt
Ginger works better.
It’s knobbly for our pleasure
Makes me act like a horse ten years younger.