When will get to the point where Trump gets thrown into certain death? Preferably while cutting out all the genocide by planet destroying laser part.
That was 2020.
However, somehow,
PalpatineTrump returned.This new quadrilogy is so predictable. The writers are relying on nostalgia instead of creating a decent plot.
So the empire struck back?
Star Wars Episode VIII: The End of Hope
My man doesnt have a chin.
That’s what the bloatee is for
Below his mouth area could be called a check (chin+neck) 🤣
Everybody struggling to remember the part where a movie about space wizards, robots and explosions said anything about trade route taxes.
The opening crawl
Gotta pitch this concept to Disney - Episode 10: The Opening Crawl - just two hours of majestically scrolling text in space, read by Mark Hamill.
I hate fascism. It’s rough and irritating. And it gets everywhere!
As someone living outside America, it really does get everywhere
Fascism famously doesn’t exist in Europe.
Americans (Stanford) legitimised it, and Europe elites thought it was cool
My bingo card did not have /r/prequelmemes becoming relevant
And my expectations were so low
/r/prequelmemes/c/prequelmemesFTFY :)
Fixed that “Fixed that FTFY for you”, for you :)
Ben Stein is a piece of shit Nixon aide/apologist. Fuck that guy.
There was a time when Republicans were evil, but evil working for America. Now Republicans are evil and working for foreign powers and personal profit.
Nixon, for all his evil, wasn’t personally profiting. He had dignity.
I meant the character, not the actor.
I know… I just find it hard to separate sometimes (particularly when they’re psychopaths like this dude)
That was the better part of the prequels
That and Dooku but they wasted him in 3 and ruined his character in the cartoon
At least we’ll have some time before the whole liberty dying with applause…oh shit, we’re doing a speed run!
Constitution abolishment, any %
Recently saw an episode of The Simpsons where they made fun of the procedural parts of Phantom Menace: https://youtu.be/3lPG1u6EbiY
It felt very different in the current context. They were mocking it as a gag, but it felt kinda earnest for a second. Like, when fascism occupies the bureaucratic processes, it’s farcical and also boring.
*Duel of the fats starts playing*
Edit: anyone know how to make a music AI recreate duel of the fates with just tuba?
Who’s dueling Fats Domino?
Fats Waller traditionally
Link without tracking: https://youtu.be/gPK1gc7FX2M
Thank you. I looked, YouTube search failed me.
If trump dies, is it a 👻 Menace?
I wonder if he’d be proud of Andor making Trump jokes
Andor made Trump jokes?
In season 3
Huh? Season 3 of what? I’m lost.
Andor. I was joking. I’ve no clue what the other commenter was on about, with Trump jokes in Andor. They can’t make a season 3 of Andor.
Oh I didn’t notice you were a different person lol 😆