Oh yeah definitely. I always knew I had it, I’ve had it my whole life. You try being a suicidal 7-year-old and see how well you like it. I didn’t start getting better until my 30s.
I’m not American so I don’t know what GPs are like in the US, but I don’t know of any anti depressants that are addictive. The addictive ones are the pain killers.
OK, I have no idea about the medical history of whoever is down voting. But it’s clear from the numbers that people are scared of their pills being taken away.
The only time I’ve had a similar reaction was when I suggested coffee should be banned. (It’s bad for the environment, more physically addictive than heroin and makes everyone’s breath smell terribly)
You realize you’re doing the “lazy doctor” routine right now, right?
You already decided on an answer and when confronted with a discrepancy, you decided that your understanding is correct and this specific situation is the outlier.
That’s the exact same thought process you’re complaining about.
You aren’t a doctor. Stop acting like one, and stop assuming you know all doctor’s motives. SSRIs are an important tool and make many peoples lives tolerable. No one’s making you or anyone take anything.
I’m not seeing patients or providing medical advice. Typing on lemmy is nothing like acting like a doctor.
SSRIs are an important tool and make many peoples lives tolerable.
Also prozac and other drugs are prescribed for “stress related” symptoms when doctors can’t find the root cause and when patients demand a pharmaceutical solution.
You’re spouting unsubstantiated bullshit because you think you’re special and that your opinion is worth shit, somehow more than that of medical professionals and scientists.
I’m sick of these fucking conspiracy theorest trolls.
again, fibro is frequently treated with antidepressants. this is not (just) laziness. read your insurance policy on meds and i bet you’ll find they won’t let you proceed with diagnosis for anything else until you’ve been on an SSRI for 6 months. Idiopathic pain, somatoform disorder, etc. allllllll have to be ruled out. It’s not (just) because you’re female, but is IS CERTAINLY because you’re American.
Like I said, you don’t know what you’re talking about: Xanax isn’t an SSRI, it’s a Benzodiazepine, literally a depressant
You prescribe Xanax for anxiety because it relaxes you, you prescribe SSRIs for depression to help with serotonin processing, they are not even the same class of drug
Your inability to differentiate between specific drugs, all of which are commonly known, sure makes it seem like you have absolutely no fucking idea what you’re talking about.
You realize that in order to get an SSRI you have to go see a psychiatrist right? Like the regular docs won’t / can’t prescribe them? You don’t just go see some GP and be like ‘i r the depress’.
Oh yeah definitely. I always knew I had it, I’ve had it my whole life. You try being a suicidal 7-year-old and see how well you like it. I didn’t start getting better until my 30s.
Big same fellow person. Lookin forward to seeing you in the wellness camps, and looking forward to the hell we’re going to raise.
Same here. Even down to the same age.
You have my sympathy.
But I’m sure many lemmings reading this recognize the second “lazy doctor” scenario.
Where did you get your medical degree from again?
The down votes are from people who were diagnosed with “stress” and are now addicted to anti depressants.
The downvotes are from people who think your statements are ignorant lol
The down votes are from the victims of a medical industry that doesn’t allow doctors to say “I don’t know”.
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I’m not American so I don’t know what GPs are like in the US, but I don’t know of any anti depressants that are addictive. The addictive ones are the pain killers.
Hmm. I’ve been on Prozac before and that’s definitely not addictive.
You have no place diagnosing people with no proven experience in the field of psychiatry, or pharmacology.
So stop parroting RFK talking points.
OK, I have no idea about the medical history of whoever is down voting. But it’s clear from the numbers that people are scared of their pills being taken away.
The only time I’ve had a similar reaction was when I suggested coffee should be banned. (It’s bad for the environment, more physically addictive than heroin and makes everyone’s breath smell terribly)
Again, you have proven that you have no experience in psychology, or pharmacology, so stop with the RFK rhetoric.
You’re not qualified to disagree with science and people with PhDs. Stop embarrassing yourself.
There are too many lazy, bribed doctors prescribing too many antidepressants.
11% of Americans over the age of 12 take an antidepressant.
You have provided no counter argument, but I would welcome one.
Because there is no counter-point to your RFK bullshit. It’s like arguing with bible salesmen.
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You realize you’re doing the “lazy doctor” routine right now, right?
You already decided on an answer and when confronted with a discrepancy, you decided that your understanding is correct and this specific situation is the outlier.
That’s the exact same thought process you’re complaining about.
Not really.
I’m diagnosing a problem but my solution is to investigate more, not to sweep unknowns under the antidepressant carpet.
Lmfao, such detective work.
You aren’t a doctor. Stop acting like one, and stop assuming you know all doctor’s motives. SSRIs are an important tool and make many peoples lives tolerable. No one’s making you or anyone take anything.
I’m not seeing patients or providing medical advice. Typing on lemmy is nothing like acting like a doctor.
Also prozac and other drugs are prescribed for “stress related” symptoms when doctors can’t find the root cause and when patients demand a pharmaceutical solution.
You’re spouting unsubstantiated bullshit because you think you’re special and that your opinion is worth shit, somehow more than that of medical professionals and scientists.
I’m sick of these fucking conspiracy theorest trolls.
Kindly shut the fuck up and go away.
Conspiracy? I’ve experience it. And it’s not just me
again, fibro is frequently treated with antidepressants. this is not (just) laziness. read your insurance policy on meds and i bet you’ll find they won’t let you proceed with diagnosis for anything else until you’ve been on an SSRI for 6 months. Idiopathic pain, somatoform disorder, etc. allllllll have to be ruled out. It’s not (just) because you’re female, but is IS CERTAINLY because you’re American.
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I have experienced lazy doctors who dismiss everything as stress.
Ask your doctor friends what the phrase “stress related” really means.
You think people are getting depression diagnosis and SSRIs on that?
Just admit you’re completely uninformed and stay out of discussions in which you are so in future, dude
No. I made that distinction at the top of this thread.
You don’t need clinical depression for a lazy doctor to prescribe Xanax.
Like I said, you don’t know what you’re talking about: Xanax isn’t an SSRI, it’s a Benzodiazepine, literally a depressant
You prescribe Xanax for anxiety because it relaxes you, you prescribe SSRIs for depression to help with serotonin processing, they are not even the same class of drug
Ok, Prozac then. The specific drug is not the point of this conversation.
Your inability to differentiate between specific drugs, all of which are commonly known, sure makes it seem like you have absolutely no fucking idea what you’re talking about.
You realize that in order to get an SSRI you have to go see a psychiatrist right? Like the regular docs won’t / can’t prescribe them? You don’t just go see some GP and be like ‘i r the depress’.