Hey I am the creator of this proposal! I was just wondering about What if banks could protect your money against inflation. Feedback & more importantly criticism is vital for such project.
Disclosure : I have no banking & legal experience than some of what I learnt in 9th and 10th class and this is just a proposal to see how practical it is. Please don’t discount it because of this fact and atleast still read it and please give me constructive criticism !
Of what benefit is this for a bank? Why would they choose to offer it?
What would the advantage be of this vs just investing the money yourself or putting your money into a retirement fund like one of the Vanguard Target Retirement 20xx Funds?
Basically I don’t want anybody to get screwed with inflation, I don’t want to make you rich , I just want you to beat inflation
If you want to get more returns, then invest all of the money in index fund etc. , this is not going to replace it.
This is to replace the banking system eating major profits. I want you , yes you dear reader , to earn the majority of profits of it being inflation protected
I am not treating it as an investing strategy. Since that is separate.
Even in investing there is an emergency fund which are usually fixed deposits in India or cd’s in America. They are also fixed and would cost money if you want to get them quickly.
Think of what I am saying as this : imagine a way where it’s basically just a bank account except it doesn’t pay very less or less than inflation, it pays you exactly that of inflation so you’re money is inflation protected in banks yet at the same time you can transact as usual.
The best part , you don’t have to know all the details, taxes etc.
I want to create a not for profit for this to not be like visa .
I also want to use this combined with upi to make upi more stable since this whole idea came from the fact that somebody called upi great but commented that India has a lot of inflation which they dislike if they are going to treat rupees as their store of value, upi is basically India’s visa except 0 and I mean 0 fees.
I do hope you read the post
This is what I was thinking. I also don’t know too much about investing.
This is the perfect post for this community, thank you!
Welcome man, I want to say this , that this discuss is the place where I got engagement even though it’s 3 comments. I posted this on hackernews and nothing. I genuinely feel welcomes by your community.
I saw this when trying to post it and since i was part of the discuss online and it showed local and I found discuss , I thought it was pretty interesting to post it here.
Thanks for being inclusive. Thanks a lot.
That’s what D.O. is all about! Welcome! Thanks for your kind words.