While saying, “stupid assholes there are no proper races of humans just color variations”.
Human “races” are Functionally more closely related to dog breeds than anything else, but far less extreme in variation of features.
A chihuahua is more different compared to a great dane than you are from any other ethnicity of fellow human.
Who is downvoting this??
Downvotes aren’t real. People use bots to downvote each other all the time here so why would you take them seriously?
Found the asshole who uses bots to downvote people
I guess we can eliminate formula one. Seems kinda boring to me.
There is only one race.
[writes down “humans” on ballot]
I mean, in this scenario we’ve established that there’s at least one alien species as well.
But does it have subraces of the species?
(technically there are no human races in biological terms, by the way, there’s not enough difference)
False. There is also 3-legged.
Guess I’m post-racism because my first thought was “mosquitoes”.
Mine was NASCAR
Fuck yeah Mosquito Genocide crew!
Yeah I am not voting.
If they were really a benevolent species, they wouldn’t play this mind game to begin with.
This says more about humanity than the aliens.
Well it might make perfect sense from their perspective, there might be a million alien species on the galactic council who all agree they don’t want to deal with a species that won’t purge at least one race.
It’s unlikely but possible, we have literally no way of knowing or really guessing anything about how an alien race or empire might think. They might be shocked and confused we don’t kill our enemies children, bemused that we ended slavery, disgusted that we don’t torture criminals for sport…
An even scarier thought is that we might agree with them in a hundred or thousand years, it seems impossible to imagine but to me it seems impossible to imagine slavery was ever a thing or that they put criminals heads on pikes for everyone to see.
my choice would prob be a 15k. at that point I’ll just do a half marathon, thanks.
how about the Abu Dhabi Tour? A week-long stage race on the least interesting terrain on the planet. The first stage frequently has a finishing straight that’s 60k long.
Reminds me of that Black Mirror episode when people could post names of people they wanted to be killed and every day the most posted person were killed. After some time, the man behind that killed all of the people who voted for anybody.
ah yes the “I’m covered in bees!” episode.
Which episode is that? I must’ve missed it.
I think it’s S03E06 Hated In The Nation
the bees episode.
Name of episode?
I think it’s S03E06 Hated In The Nation
So in that killer’s mind, wanting someone killed was the morally indefensible crime but actually killing ludicrous numbers of people is not? And he nor anyone else questioned that? 🤔
Bit of context and spoilers - He was making a statement about social media threats/harassment
The first part - using social media - whoever people vote to be killed, gets killed. Trying to show these actions have consequences. The people voting feel immune to these consequences. They just voted, they didn’t kill anybody.
He goes through 5 rounds of voting, with more votes every time. After each round, the most voted for is killed.Up to this point he’s exposing people trying to use social media to try and harm people Eventually he turns it around, and kills everyone who voted
The whole thing kicked off because his friend/romantic interest tried to commit suicide from cyber bullying. He’s pushing that these actions have consequences, even if you hide behind a screen.
The killer himself is a psycho, so the morals aren’t exactly impactful to him. As for anyone else questioning, the definitely do.
Disclaimer - been a while since I watched the episode. It’s pretty good, definitely need some suspension of disbelief (but that’s most episodes)
I get that what he’s trying to do, it’s just his actions are self-defeating. The only reason the behavior on social media has violent consequences is because he’s imposing them; no one else in that story is killing people based on meaningless Facebook polls. They only matter because he makes them matter. He causes the problems he thinks he is solving.
Also he assumes his actions will make people reconsider their choices and change, which they won’t because people for the most part aren’t capable of change. Most people don’t have the ability to do so. Those who do deliberately refuse to because they’re happy the way they are regardless of their true nature’s consequences to other people.
It’s just a stupid gimmicky show pretending to be deep to get views. That’s all.
This is how every episode of Black Mirror is. Just little interesting “what if” scenarios that make you think. In the same way that fairy tales are contrived and unrealistic these are too.
Aliens would be really disappointed to find out we already have blue checkmarks invented and people don‘t care nearly enough about it.
I vote for eliminating the greyhound race
Ah you mean racing. For a moment I wanted to argue that it’s more humane to eradicate pugs due to their miserable health problems.
Remove “the” and add an s to race to make it clear what you’re talking about :)
Can I select all races?
Everyone who chose to purge the aliens are going to start a goddamn crusade
Chinese would probably vote Japanese
China’s neighbours would for China
Majority white and black would vote for each other
And nothing we didn’t already know would be revealed
Also when an advanced race capable of killing the entire species says “you must” do something then I don’t think it’s racist to vote and I don’t think saying “none” is allowed because it defeats the purpose of the experiment
You really think the majority wouldn’t vote for “none”, given it’s an option?
Even if one were to think practically about it (if we all vote none, they won’t share the tech or whatever, for the sake of they hypothetical), wouldn’t most people just choose a super small ethnic group?
Like sorry Inuits, hate to say it but y’all shoulda tried imperialism lmao
Based on the way the meme plays off, the only practical way to get the tech would show you value life over technology, hence the option for none, if it’s not a consensus for none how could you expect that species to act responsible with the tech and hence the tattooing and leaving.
I’m saying none wasn’t given as an option so it should be assumed to not be
People have to be aware of the small ethnicity so it’s going to vary by person
In the meme it says none is a choice tho
Rip I missed that
I read it as isn’t
Neither Chinese nor Japanese are a race. They’re the same race with different nationality
There are a lot of people that treat it as such but if we tell them all SEA people are the same then I guess they would vote black
Well, if “none” wins then no one is killed and you get no technology. That’s my interpretation at least.
Based on the fact they tattoo your answer afterwards, the only way you would have gotten technology is by voting none in a consensus showing you value life over technology, therefore your more likely to be responsible with it, vote on anything other than none and you have voided your ability to be responsible hence no technology. The fact this is not a more common interpretation is honestly disheartening.
By interpretation I just mean if I was there and I was assuming the aliens weren’t lying about their intentions that’s how I would take “none”.
And I’m saying how that being such a common interpretation is disheartening. It should be more apt to apply that any sufficiently advanced being is going to value harmony not disorder which would lead to instability and eventual collapse, hence why it would be an apt litmus test to see if a society would be capable of responsibly utilizing any of their technology. The fact so many are just like “well I like tech” and someone’s gonna say a group so I should say a small minority is extremely sad to see being a common take. I would hope more would recognize the implications behind such an ask, but I guess in this small sample size that’s not the case.
Idk dude, I was raised Christian. I’m used to sufficiently advanced beings having totally arbitrary and often cruel intentions under the guise of being good.
I mean I had to deal with all the bs indoctrination of Christianity when I was growing up, but I definetly wouldn’t assign those barbaric constraints as the motive behind a highly advanced alien species, religion was a blight from power hungry authoritarian people in the past. As I’ve stated I don’t believe a society which has not mastered harmony with its own species and planet as capable to be that advanced. A greedy authoritarian society will tear itself apart before it ever reaches a “highly advanced” society. You could commit genocide and given enough time different races will be born again, bringing you into a repeating cycle of chaos. Look at how unstable any extremely religious area is on earth, you think that’s going to create advanced societies? I sure as hell don’t nor would I attribute such nonsense to a being capable of traversing the universe, one who understands the principles of physics and can unify them with the quantum mechanics is not going to assign unkowns to a god, they would investigate the mechanisms behind them and try to define them. That’s a step above what we have rationally discovered and I don’t attribute religion to rational beings, it’s completely at odds.
This is just the beginning of what could be a great movie.
I don’t know what the actual direction the story goes based on this premise, but I wanna see it.
You would like the movie Circle (2015)
The ending could be a great south park episodes.
I wonder what “none, fuck off” gets you?
Heaven. That’s where the Mormons went.
I’m sorry but if there’s one thing the Mormon church won’t do it’s say “none”
It’s a joke from south park.
pedantic_mode 1
As there’s only one race, I guess everyone who chose anything but none gets the human race symbol (???) tattoed on their face. Still would be fun to see who chose to have other humans killed.
Now, if the OP in 4chan meant ethnicity, that’s a different story.
pedantic_mode 0
pedantic_mode 1
The definition of “race” varies widely between different demographics and contexts. In a biological context which you seem to be insinuating, “race” is either nonsensical or an ancient synonym for species.
pedantic mode 0
pedantic_mode 1
You forgot the underscore in your off-switch.
pedantic_mode 0
I legit question why people should be morally condemned for choosing to have others killed. It’s too important a survival mechanism to just dismiss with morality like that, and claiming it’s wrong violates the himan right to freedom of thought. Humans are allowed to hate each other. They’re allowed to want negative things, even to have others killed.
The premise itself is self-defeating because it uses the act of labeling people who make a choice to be targeted for violence and death to defeat the concept of doing so. Its use legitimizes the practice even to criticize it. Humans have to select other people to be targeted for violence because it’s ultimately the only effective way to regulate behavior and enforce social norms, and refusing to do so destroys societies.
People need to stop judging others on their thoughts and feelings and start focusing on their actions.
What if, instead of a tattoo, everyone who voted just becomes that race?
The logistics would be tricky. Aside from the fact that race doesn’t exist, people within an ethnicity don’t all look the same. And would they still have the background of however they were originally born?
That reminds me of a discussion with someone who thought Hispanics can’t be white, I was like, have you ever seen seen a Spaniard?