So, Comixology app is retiring on December 4. What do you guys think about it?

    38 months ago

    The only surprise here is that it took this long for Amazon to pull the trigger.

    I was playing around with it a little last night. I appreciate that I can filter Kindle down to just comics or books so I can get to what I want to read.

    I didn’t have time to actually read anything though because I spent 2 hours marking the vast majority of my comics as read so I can actually use the unread filter. Very annoyed they all imported as unread…

    Maybe tonight I’ll have a chance to try to read something and see how it works.

    All that said overall feelings are disappointment I dont have a dedicated place to go for comics, but as long as I can still read my collection I guess I’ll live with it.

    They already severely reduced me buying new digital books when they turned off in app purchases a while back. I don’t know that this will reduce it any more as long as the reading experience is decent.

      68 months ago

      I stopped collecting digital as a repercussion of Comixology getting bought. The entire process did nothing for comic fans and just lined Amazon pockets even more. Kudos Amazon you got me to stop reading comics

      • @dresdenOP
        18 months ago

        Maybe some site that allows you to download DRM free copies of your comics, so that you can read them in any reader, even if the service goes down or get bought.

          38 months ago

          That’s what I do, I pirate digital versions of the physical books I buy (because I like physical copies more) and convert the .cbr’s to .cbz’s for use with any comics reader for on the go, in my case: Librera FD.

          • @dresdenOP
            28 months ago

            I was mainly thinking of some site that lets you buy the DRM free versions, but I guess that is one way to go too.

              48 months ago

              I find that typically (due to drm) buying digital things tends to suck donkey balls these days and it becomes easier in terms of ux and even sometimes procurement to just pirate it.

              To be fair I never bothered to try buying digital with comics because I’ve been fed up with movies, tv, games, etc, and I’m in it for the paper (printed) anyway so I’m not buying it twice, and the other half of the stuff I’m into is old and collectors want 10k for it, so unless they reissue The Flaming Carrot (which I’d get) then fuck 'em!