I guess I’m just a boring person, I have nothing really to say or share that is post worthy, but I try to contribute to discussions when I can.
I like your name.
This is a good meme, particularly because of the correct your/you’re usage.
Some people post, some people engage, some people vote.
Two out of three ain’t bad.
Especially when the vast majority just lurk (and even that still helps).
And so you will
Pretty sure reddit had a channel where you could post pictures of your poop. I think you could come up with something.
Not sure that’s a great baseline, really.
Share things you find interesting, you don’t have to be interesting yourself
Dude, you have only 56 posts…
Start whining when you have over 500.
Now get back to work, those posts aren’t gonna make themselves
56 is actually a decent amount of posts imo…
Says Mr. 55 posts lol.
Gotta keep it 55th St
Dammit now I gotta post something to catch up
Well done.
Yeah but 69 is better
OP’s posting, not whining.
Do I need to put /s after every obvious joke…
You better watch your tone or I’m gonna comment something vaguely abrasive and then get confused when I find an angry reply in like 6 hours, nerd.
Stop whining! ;) I wasn’t seriously neither. :peace:
I am actually quite annoyed at the reddit repost bots, they drown out Lemmy content in favour of Reddit reposts…
Exactly. Lemmy is a social media platform, not an archival service. People come here to talk to people, not bots.
I agree. Reddit repost no good. But normal post bot ok, bring in interesting subjects
The repost bots were probably needed to kickstart Lemmy with content, but now I feel like they are preventing a natural growth of the communities.
As it is now I feel that they add a layer of confusion to new members, they have made several Lemmy communities looking like vast empty cities, there are new content, but no people commenting or voting.
If any admin is reading tjis, please consider scaling back the repost bots.
I don’t browse All because of this , but I did sub to simpsonsshitposts and yeah, just that one tends to dominate, even though most of the posts are indeed what it says on the tin, ie stupid worthless crap.
0 posts
That many comments really does make a difference. Still, next time you see something cool online consider submitting it? It’s not as bad here as you might think.
What if I don’t look anywhere else online?
then post about your experience or wisdom you’ve gained from here?
Comments are content
Do you only comment in images of some sort?
No, that one just felt appropriate.
Damn …
I didn’t even comment for a long time because of the requirement to use a real email instead of disposable. I didn’t even have a real email on Reddit and I created that account long after it was popular (but before they required real email accounts). Imo Lemmy cracked down on potential fake accounts too soon and it is costing them growth.
Registration, especially requiring legitimate credentials is a huge barrier for many people who would otherwise post.
I’m sorry but I don’t really see it being that much of a hurdle with services like SimpleLogin where you can activate an address, create an account and then deactivate it again. Or am I wrong here?
Lemmy.world’s faq claims they will ban you when they eventually find out you used a service like that.
turns out quantity over quality also ruins a platform
Don’t boo this post! It is the truth!
Cool name BTW.
Cow gang: Assemble.
that’s so cheese
Heck yeah buddy!
Maybe we could use AI to generate new and original content?
Since that might produce too much content for anybody to read, upvote and engage with, we could cover the user side with AI bots as well.
If we do this right we could completely automate social media. Maybe one day you won’t even have to look at your phone because an army of bots is doing it for you.
Fully automated luxury gay space Lemmy?
Seems like there a couple of tech support communities already like that. Endless posts all made by different accounts from the same instance, constantly asking for help with Apple products or wifi 24/7.
Someone understood the nature of spam.
Why not take it further and just lock ourselves into pods with feeding tubes.
Which brand of pods would you recommend? 😂
Someone that needs a topic for their CS dissertation could do this.
Setup their own Lemmy server and train an AI on the fediverse. It would be funny to see if the AI agent’s posts/comments converge.
posting here is nice cause there’s less competition
^ Don’t pay attention to them. Pay attention to me!
Believe me, I do. I very much do. ;-]
Does commenting count?
Hell yeah it does.
I can co-sign that one!
Although if someone whined about not enough content, they had to comment to do it!
So they’re unknowingly contributing!
Also, let’s not forget commenting so it counts as activity.
I’m doing my part! (winks at camera)
But also, don’t just post useless crap like “This.” Or one-liners. Or the most annoying shit ever, which is when people just type out lines from a song, as if they’re singing them in person. Like dude, we know you just googled it and copy-pasted that from Genius.com. Don’t spam me with your bad pun threads either please.
Real. I’m such a hypocrite
The fact that lemmy users are as humble as yourself is reason enough to keep this community going.
People complaining? I feel like this is the perfect amount. I’d go to post something on reddit and see it was posted 12 times since I tried.
And reposted 25 times
You can bite my shiny metal ass
Coming up with a fun post is kinda hard