• @Darkassassin07@lemmy.ca
    5915 days ago

    A one-off, or on occasion is fine; but having to constantly reassure someone that they aren’t the cause of every single frustration you encounter gets extremely exhausting.

    • @limelight79@lemm.ee
      213 days ago

      My mother. She made some bandanas for our dog, and gave them to us a week or so ago. We thought they were cool. Later, she said, “Sorry you didn’t like the bandanas.” I was like, “News to me, I thought they were great.” “Well, they weren’t what <my wife> was expecting.”

      I didn’t even bother mentioning it to my wife until yesterday, who, of course, was fine with the bandanas, as I knew she would be. During that conversation, my wife and I talked about how we need to constantly walk on eggshells around her, because who knows what she’ll be upset about next. It’s exhausting.

      I don’t know where my mother gets this stuff. The sad part is that this is actually one of the more sane incidents.

      • @foofiepie@lemmy.world
        2315 days ago

        You say that, but there’s a flip side to this. I’ve been in an abusive relationship where my SO was always a hair trigger away from a full on apeshit moment. You find yourself (regardless of your confidence) wondering if you’ve annoyed them and after a while, you flinch at any shift in tone of voice. It can be a sign of abuse, but not just in the way you mention.

        • @TheControlled@lemmy.world
          815 days ago

          This meme is relatable but what you said is absolutely true. I’ve been at the barrel end of this psychological abuse. Of course, she was physically abusive too.

        • @pearsaltchocolatebar
          14 days ago

          It doesn’t matter if the behavior is the result of past trauma. Taking that trauma out on your partner by treating them like they’re an abusive person is abusive.

          The behavior being understandable doesn’t make it alright.

            • @pearsaltchocolatebar
              13 days ago

              Yes. It’s on you to manage your emotions. It’s not alright to treat your partner like an abuser because you were hurt in the past. Trauma doesn’t give you a free pass to treat people poorly.

              The people downvoting clearly haven’t been in a long term relationship with someone with severe PTSD. I’m going on 8 years, and while it’s getting better, it’s a huge struggle mentally to constantly be treated like you’re a bad person through absolutely no fault of your own. I’m in therapy specifically because of it.

              I have my own traumas from my past, but I work hard to not let it affect my relationship because it’s not fair to my SO to take that trauma out on them.

              • You don’t seem to know the difference between “difficult to deal with” and “abuse,” or there’s something else going on in your relationship beyond them just not trusting you easily. A difficulty or inability to managing emotions is also a symptom of certain traumas like PTSD so putting the onus on someone you know has this difficulty like that is in really poor taste and shows a lack of understanding.

                • @pearsaltchocolatebar
                  13 days ago

                  No one is responsible for your reaction to your emotions except for yourself. If your issues cause you to treat your partner poorly, it’s on you to address them.

                  Like I said at the beginning, having a reason for mistreating your partner doesn’t make it acceptable.

            • @MindTraveller@lemmy.ca
              -614 days ago

              Yes. Relationships are built on trust. If you won’t trust your partner, you’re not being a good partner to them.

              • @shneancy@lemmy.world
                714 days ago

                so is a person with trust issues who really struggled supposed to just go and die alone?

                this is just victim blaming

                • @pearsaltchocolatebar
                  113 days ago

                  No, they’re supposed to put in the work to move past it. No one is responsible for your response to your emotions but you.

                • @MindTraveller@lemmy.ca
                  14 days ago

                  They’re supposed to date someone who can take it, if they need to date. But dating someone who can’t handle it is abuse.

  • @lath@lemmy.world
    1915 days ago

    This can get complicated when you know that the “No” can actually mean “Yes, but I don’t want to get annoyed any further”.

  • Pxtl
    915 days ago

    May as well just say “only when you ask me that” and get to where you were going eventually anyways.