I finished Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. Loved the book. There was lots of science, but it was explained well enough that it wasn’t an issue. There were also certain things which may not feel very probable, but it’s a science fiction, so I didn’t care about that, but I can see some people having problem with that.
Started a manga, Jujutsu Kaisen, Volume 1. Just started it yesterday, after finishing Project Hail Mary, and have almost finished it. I have read a couple of small manga before, but it’s my first physical one, so enjoying that. Though, when I got it, I didn’t realise JJK is still an on-going series. Personally I prefer something that has finished. Ah well, already started it, so just going to read them slowly now.
Still reading The Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll. The book has been a lot more helpful that I expected it to be. I never thought about the “why” part much, at least haven’t done so in a while. So, all the talk about mindfulness and chapters about living the intentional life are helpful.
What about you guys? What have you been reading?
Not interesting because I assume most people already read ir, but I’m reading to kill a mockingbird. I finally found time for and it’s an amazing book. I really enjoying it?
This is Books community, if we though talking about the books we have already read isn’t interesting, I don’t think we would be here. 😀
Would love to hear what you think about the book.
Everything on this instance is fantasy. So much so that I legitimately thought it was a fantasy instance for awhile. I find any and all non-fantasy discussion to be really refreshing.
What are you specifically enjoying about TKaM?
Haha, yeah, I agree, fantasy / sci-fi is the most dominating genre, though we do get some mentions of different genres.
I think this has to do with the lemmy demographics, it’s still not mainstream. So, the popular genres are skewed more toward geek-ish crowd.
Good to know guys lol,it’s an awesome book the way it’s being told from a little girl perspective adds so much to the story like they way she interpret situations makes it some times really funny and some times adds a refreshing perspective to them. The story is great and the character are really deep,I mean you gotta love Atticus he reminds me clavins dad from calvin and hobbes haha
I just finished reading “Death of a Salesman” by Arthur Miller. I’m currently reading “Suite Francaise” by Irene Nemirovsky.
How did you like Death of a Salesman? Just looked it up, apparently it’s considered one of the best American plays of 20th Century.
Wow, Irene had a tough life. So, is Suite Francaise unfinished?
Death of a salesman is brilliant. My copy is fat with post it notes where I jot down parallels I could find from my life and from those of people I knew. Some of the conversations in that book helped me put into words feelings I’ve felt when I was younger and couldn’t verbalise. I wish I had read it much sooner.
I think the copyright on it ran out a long time ago, so you might be able to pick out a paperback for cheap, or get an epub or pdf for free online.
Suite Francaise I think is unfinished - it is two parts of a bigger series. The author was a victim of the holocaust before her work could be completed.
Thanks for the feedback, going to check them at my local bookstore.
Finishing up “Before Coffee Gets Cold” (40 pages left or so).
Debating which next book to buy:
- The Silent Patient
- The Traveling Cat
- The Cat who saved books
- Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine
I read The Silent Patient earlier this year. I have no idea how it got such great reviews, most of the plot was a series of loose threads that were completely ignored afterwards, and anything that wasn’t was a plot hole. I can honestly say it was the worst book I’ve ever actually finished.
So read it and let us know how it goes :)
At least this would let them temper their expectations. 😀
Ah I recently purchased the cat who saved books but haven’t touched it yet. It’s next on my list after I wrap up the Mistborn Trilogy.
Just going by the names (and without knowing anything about what the books are), I would vote for “The Cat Who Saved Books”!
Going to look up all of these, all these titles sound interesting.
Edit: Forgot to ask, how are you liking “Before Coffee Gets Cold”? The premise is pretty interesting.
I really like the book but it is a sad one - in a good way. It makes me think what I would do, if it was possible to travel back in time.
I will definitely get the other books of it at some point in time (there are 4 books in total).
Thanks for the feedback. I would try to get the first one and see how I like it.
Currently in the middle of “The Vagrant” trilogy. And to be honest, it’s a bit of a tough read…
Looked it up, saw the name “Peter Newman”, and heard the voice of Seinfield, “Hello, Newman”.
What are you not liking about it? Writing style? Or issue with story / world-building / characters etc?
The writing style is a little rough, and I’m not sure if my imagination is having trouble grasping how things are described or if they’re just described so vaguely that it’s giving me trouble picturing certain things (trying not to spoil anything if anyone who’s reading it comes across this)
I love the premise of the story though, and most chapters are amazing. Character building is done well. But you ever come across a few paragraphs that you need to reread because you realized you didn’t understand it fully? Some whole chapters are like that for me lol
Ah okay. If you finish the series, would love to hear your overall impressions about the whole series.
The Iron Heel, by Jack London
Basically one of the first major political dystopias written in the modern sense. It’s super cool too, basically the book is an old manuscript about an attempted socialist revolution, before the world was taken over by oligarchic tyrannical capitalists. There’s basically two stories being told, one in the socialist narrative itself occurring in the past, and one in the footnotes, showing glimmers of some of the capitalist horrors in the “present time”. Super neat way to tell a story, and I’m really enjoying it so far. It’s super heavy handed, and I would maybe call it similar to a socialist version of an Ayn Rand dystopia, like Anthem, but you know… Actually good. And thematically opposite to any coherent thought Ayn Rand tried to impart onto her readers.
I’m about halfway through and enjoying it quite a bit. It a LOT different than anything else by Jack London I’ve read (just his Yukon/Alaska stuff)
Paved Paradise, How Parking Explains the World, by Henry Grabar
A book about parking. The history of parking, parking policy, and how it has basically ruined American cities over the past 80 years. Sounds boring but I have really been getting into city planning books recently so I’m enjoying it.
The King of Elfland’s Daughter, by Lord Dunsany
As a huge Tolkien fan, it has taken me far too long to read this one. Considering Lord Dunsany was a huge influence and inspiration for JRR Tolkien, I don’t think it’s that controversial to say this is one of the most influential works on the fantasy genre of all time. It’s beautifully written, with very poetic prose. Story is fine so far, not much to write home about but plot doesn’t really matter when the writing is this pretty.
Ah, I think you mentioned these books before, right? Though I think the Lord Dunsany book is a new addition.
How is Paved Paradise going? Is it interesting read for someone who doesn’t specifically care about city planning?
I have. Been stuck on them for about a month with not a ton of progress on books.
Paved Paradise would be fairly interesting to someone that knows nothing about city planning and such. It will definitely make you notice just how much useless space is around you for parking, and probably make you mad about it. It also goes into some be interesting history about how the mobs controlled parking in cities like New York and Chicago.
It definitely makes you look at things differently, which is always a good thing.
No worries, there have been months where I have been stuck on one book, without getting much time (or sometimes motivation) to read.
That’s interesting about Paved Paradise, I would add it to my list. Thanks!
Finished the audiobook of Best Served Cold from Joe Abercrombie. I love the narrator for the audiobook, but this one dragged for me. Just started listening to The Heroes and hope that one drags less so I can get caught back up before I start the Age of Madness trilogy.
In print I’m reading Gamechanger by LX Beckett. I’m not in love with it, but it’s getting interesting enough to keep going. If it doesn’t get better I picked up Sea of Dust from C Robert Cargill at the library as well.
Just started Before They are Hanged. Definitely feels less like the story is dragging now that I am familiar with the characters from the first book.
Took a break midway through it myself to get some light reading in! Will move back to it next week
That reminds me I have The Heroes on my TBR pile too. Or at least I think I have…
Wolves and the River of Stone, the second book in this urban fantasy series about a necromancer and his buddies. It’s….not great but I’m having a good time with it!
Urban fantasy about a necromancer and his buddies, the concept sounds fun. Why do you say it’s not great? Bad writing?
Yeah it reminds me a lot of the first Dresden Files; good ideas and world building but you can really feel it’s the authors first books. I’m hoping the quality picks up a bit as he finds his voice because I’m overall having a good time!
There are 19 books out, so author must be doing something right. I would love to hear your impressions after you have read a couple more books.
I’ll set a reminder and circle back after book 4-5ish!
Finished “1984” and just started “Hadji-Murat”
1984 should be required reading for adults.
Started 1984 and man’s search for meaning
It’s sad how relevant 1984 is in today’s society.
You know, people say this, and I agree to an extent but if the major dystopias, I actually think it’s the least relevant? Brave New World is probably #1 for me for relevance, with Handmaid’s Tale sadly not far behind it.
Ah, I haven’t read either of those. I guess I need to read up on them before I repeat this comment again 😀 Thanks for the heads up!
You can say that we are getting closer to 1984 but it’s definitely not as bad, thankfully. I should check out the other one too sometime because it sounds interesting.
Well, as someone who care about privacy (online and otherwise), there have been moments in our recent history where it has been very 1984. At least in that one aspect. And there are places in the world, where “alternate truths” spread by the government make it impossible to discern what’s what (at least for average citizen). But yeah, I agree, we haven’t gone full 1984 yet.
Speaking of average people, the protagonist is just that, an average person with no power and it’s an actually cool perspective to show the world from
Just started Rhythm of War, very excited to see how the storm light archive finishes out!
How are you liking the series? I haven’t read Rhythm of War. By the time I got around to it, I realised I am going to have to re-read the whole series when the 5th one comes out, so didn’t start it. Going to start the re-read next year, and will read it then.
Finished ‘Paradise 1’ by David Wellington. Good old fashioned space horror/mystery with a plague of insanity and a two fisted heroine. There’s even a spunky robot sidekick!
Started ‘City of Last Chances.’ about 50 pages in and I’m pretty happy.
Never heard of David Wellington before, going to check him out.
Working my way through “The Mechanic” by Marc ‘Elvis’ Priestley. So far it’s a pretty nice insight into the ins and outs of an F1 mechanic from a perspective below that of the likes of Newey or Steiner (who’s books are also top tier reading).
I have only read a bit of JJK when I had a Shonen Jump subscription, but I enjoyed it and I keep up with the anime. It’s really good! Great combo of hilarious and depressing lol.
I finished The Takeaway by Angela Hui (wasn’t as good as I hoped; felt more like a generally summary and felt very flat. Her family felt like paper dolls and the writing was very juvenile.)
I’m back in Shift by Hugh Howey, the second in the “Silo” series. I’m tearing through it despite the fact it’s huuuuuge and awkward to carry around lol. His writing has further improved from the first in the series, though it’s nothing brilliant, and I find the world quite engaging.
I was going to binge-read JJK, but I only realised after getting the books that it’s not finished yet. 😀 So, now going to pace myself with reading 1 volume every month. I don’t want to read everything then wait for next volumes and forgetting everything again.
Thinking about starting Demon’s Slayer or Attack on Titan, since they are already finished.
What do you think of the Silo series overall? It’s on my wishlist, and may get it soon.
Recommend Demon Slayer over AOT but both are good choices! Sorry you got sneaky swept up into an unfinished series, that’s the worst.
I’m enjoying Silo!!! I actually saw the TV show first and wanted to explore the world more, and was surprised that the books are honestly quite different. The show more embraces the theme of the series as well as the characters but has a different overall method of storytelling. So I can enjoy both in different ways!
“Wool” was a bit rough at first but his style settled in as he got going. The world and writing is not overly complex, so even though the books are huge they’re not dense and I didn’t feel like I was slogging through any parts. If it’s sitting on your list tentatively because you’re worried about diving in to such a thick trilogy, I say don’t worry. They’re fast reads!
I’m excited to finish the trilogy but I’m going to take a moment now that I’ve finished “Shift” to get in a few small books first before I start up “Dust”.
Well, I plan to read both 😀 Only thing better than reading one manga, is to read two manga!
Thanks for the feedback. I actually didn’t even know that the books were thick. I don’t watch much TV, but someone recommended it, then later someone recommended the book, so was thinking about getting it.
Thanks again!
The origin of species
Nice. How readable it is? Sometimes books like these can be very dense, though I read Einstein’s Relativity a long time ago, and it was quite readable.
It’s readable, but if you’re like me, and you don’t have some background knowledge in this field, it will likely be difficult to understand all of it.
Ah, got it. I’m interested in scientific books, but haven’t read anything in quite a while. Last one was A Brief History of Time by Hawkings. I should properly read it again and start looking at some other books after that.
Just finished Lightbringer by Pierce Brown. Partway through Codex Alera book 5 by Jim Butcher and its fantastic
Codex Alera is great, loved the series.
How are you liking the Red Rising series? I have seen it mentioned here a few times, maybe half those times were by you, but still. 😀
I’m dying right now!
This is hilarious that the communities are so small that we’ve found each other again haha.
Codex has been consistently entertaining the whole way through. Red Rising is similar in that regard. The fight scenes are better in Red Rising and often chapters end on such a note, you just have to read the next one.
I don’t read a ton of SciFi because I find it often over explains the science, etc and it doesn’t move fast enough for me (3 Body Problem for example).
Red Rising is pretty straight forward in this regard. Stuff just works. The books are about the characters and the societies more than anything.
I’ve recently started reading again (last 5 yrs or so) and it’s been almost exclusively fantasy with some SciFi sprinkled in. I’ve read somewhere around 120 books in this time. If I had to pick top 3, while the order would be tough it would be:
- First Law Trilogy
- Codex Alera
- Red Rising (I’ve actually reread this series once already)
The only thing with Red Rising is that it is incomplete right now. However it does seem that Pierce Brown has most of the last book done up already and is committed to completing it. I have a bit of trust issues in this regard because of Patrick Rothfuss, however I feel he will complete it. Right now rumour is it’s supposed to be sometime in 2024.
Opposite the Chicago PD’s feelings, it’s good to see you again Dresden!
Haha, yeah, that’s what I love about current state of lemmy. There’s a sense of community, because you regularly come across same people, and start to know people by their username, and understanding their personalities a bit. Eventually, this too will grow big enough that we will lose this, but until then.
That’s very high praise for Red Rising, I am going to push it to top of my list. I have also been reading mostly fantasy for few years now, wanted to read other genres, and I have probably over corrected, got myself tons of crime novels. Now I need more epic fantasies in my life. Something like Codex Alera maybe.
I know what you mean by unfinished series, I try to avoid them too. My issue started with Wheel of Times, and then A Song of Ice and Fire, decided not to start un-finished series again. So, never started Wise Man’s Fears, but due to high praise followed Patrick Rothfuss’ blog for many years, hoping to start the series when he finished the series. Then I gave up. I do make some exceptions though, if the author has good track record, like for Brandon Sanderson.
And thanks 😀 it’s good to see you too!
I also make the exception for Sando, since he’s a book writing machine.
One thing I should mention about RR is that book one is hunger games-esque. It isn’t bad - in fact it’s quite good, but it’s familiar (if not better imo). The series continues and move on from it - it’s great. But figured it was worth the heads up in case. It’s an epic space opera and worth the ride!
Well, I have never read Hunger Games, so I won’t even know. 😀 Thanks for the heads up though!
I’m re-reading Kira Jane Buxton’s Hollow Kingdom, and its living up to the 5-star review I gave it the first time. Next I’ll give the sequel a shot.
Heh, the book seems to have an interesting premise. Going to check it out.