• NomenCumLitteris@lemmy.ml
    3 hours ago

    The two-party system is perfect. George Washington and John Adams had it wrong when they claimed a two-party system would be an evil. No policies of third parties have ever been adopted by either of the two big parties. No political candidate would ever dare switch between and third party and that of one of the big two, sometimes multiple times over their career. Useless. Certainly the political spectrum is sufficiently represented as a two-dimensional line depicting left, center, and right? Issues such as monetary policy, interventionalist policies, border security, personal liberty, states’ rights, federal powers, and debate of democracy vs. republic have already been solved and merits no further discussion. All 335 million Americans’ ideologies fit perfectly into either of the two big parties’ platform and always have. No other party besides Democratic and Republican have ever dominated US politics. Political parties are so paramount to the existence of America that the founding fathers went through great lengths to outline their implementation in the Constitution.

  • Southern Boy@lemmy.ml
    5 hours ago

    we will have a long memory

    Could there be a single more empty threat from a burger-munching American? The whole world will laugh at you for thousands of years until you recede into myths about a people so callous and stupid it beggars belief.

  • Wrrzag@lemmy.ml
    8 hours ago

    I love how in the US getting Hitler elected would just be a matter of having a total of one worse person run for president. Then the Dems would be selling him as the saviour of the working class and minorities.

    “What? Third party? You might as well be voting for Hitl… Wait”

  • galanthus@lemmy.world
    5 hours ago

    First of all, you might as well one would be helping Harris by not voting for Trump lmao. Why would not voting for either help one of them?

    Also, while I would have her win if I had to choose between the two, I don’t like her at all and wouldn’t bother voting if I lived in the USA. The impact of a single vote is so small, even in a swing state, and the chances of one’s vote being the decisive one as well, that I really wouldn’t place much importance on whether I vote.

    Of course upholding a system of social incentives for voting by shaming those that don’t vote for your favourite candidate might make sense, I think it also promotes a very toxic political climate.

  • voldage@lemmy.world
    20 hours ago

    As non-american I agree you guys should definitely vote Harris, despite Dems being terrible Trump would absolutely be worse on each topic Dems are bad. That being said, rethoric of this post is straight up facist. Using threats of personal consequences for “wrongly” exercising ones right to vote is wild.

  • VerbFlow@lemmy.world
    23 hours ago

    I’ll vote Dem, but I am ashamed beyond measure of the Dem party. Despite the public doing all they can to stop Trump, the actual candidates running against Trump are sitting on their asses and refusing to take serious action. This “Blue Wave” is not approval FOR Harris-Walz, but rather DISAPPROVAL for Trump. Dems are ultimately more responsible for fascism in the U.S. than their voters.

    All in all, the entire United States Government is at fault. This is just one reason why I want an independent Cascadia.

  • kittenzrulz123@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    21 hours ago

    If Kamala looses: All of the blame gets put on third party voters for not “voting hard enough” (especially if she wins the popular vote and looses in the electoral college). Absolutely none of the blame gets put on her supporting genocide, her vague positions, the fact that her campaign page contains very little about her views or policies, her support of fracking, her general support of oil and gas, her support of genocide, and her support for imperialism. Of course that could all be incorrect but Kamala refuses to dispute those claims.

    If Kamala wins: She will do basically nothing, compromise with the Republicans, allow states to ban abortion, allow states to restrict womens rights, allow states to ban trans healthcare, generally allow the far-right to do whatever they want, and continue to fund genocide. When all of this happens third party voters will be blamed for “not voting hard enough” and Kamala will take no responsibility whatever.

    Regardless of outcome the next election: The Democrat candidate will be even more right wing because leftists didn’t “vote hard enough”, they will be even more bipartisan and even less progressive. All of the Liberals will demand everyone vote for this candidate yet the candidate will make no attempt to implement any popular policy. Americas rapid decline into fascism will continue and nobody in power will do anything to stop it.

    Once again I ask the question what harm is reduced by “harm reduction”? If anything a more accurate term would be slowing down fascism. But what Liberals refuse to answer is what practical purpose is there to slowing down fascism? Congratulations you get maybe a few extra decades from fascism but then what? Clearly Liberals are buying their time but what exactly are they buying their time for? What is the grand strategy? We’ve already seen the Democratic Candidate clearly use fascist rhetoric, how long is it until these compromise candidates compromise the rights of minorities? How long until they compromise on Fascism? I would vote “harm reduction” if I knew that at the end of it all theres a plan to eventually fight back but I dont think there is one. I think the Liberal plan is to keep doing “harm reduction” indefinitely, however even if you’re a hardcore liberal you have to acknowledge thats a fundamentally unsustainable plan.

    TLDR: The only people responsible for Democrats not getting elected are the Democrats themselves and their corporate sponsors who hold them back from instituting popular policy, I get its easy to pin the blame on some group but fundamentally thats little more then a logical fallacy.

  • AidsKitty@lemmy.world
    22 hours ago

    The old “if you’re not with us then you’re against us” position. How about the dems adopt policies that inspire people to vote for them.

  • Starbrite@lemmy.world
    9 hours ago

    Genuinely, why is everyone on lemmy a democrat? I’m actually tired of seeing these things come across my feed