I regularly bake sweet potatoes then add plain yogurt, salted peanuts, feta, nutritional yeast, and drown it in hot sauce. The dish has no name nor should it ever see the light of day. What goblin mode meals do you guys eat?
Y’all are horrifying. That’s all I came here to say.
I take pride in that remark.
I’d love to answer OP, but that description somehow made me forget everything I’ve ever eaten.
Then you’re ready to try all the suggestions here!
And here I am, bookmarking this post… I have meals planned for the next 3 weeks!
I keep a bouquet of dry pasta on my desk that I absentmindedly munch on while I work.
Sometimes I’ll eat a whole head of cabbage over a day peeling it leaf by leaf.
Are you a field mouse?
Weird, but I also kind of want dry spaghetti now.
My brother and I used to eat raw spaghetti from the box as kids. Idk why, we just liked the crunch and the taste lol.
…i used to do that until i discovered weevils in my spaghetti in college…
Instant noodles, peanut butter, and sriracha. Crack an egg in near the end.
It’s actually pretty close to pad thai, but screams of struggle meal
Yeah I definitely started relying on peanut proteins during my years of unemployment.
Try chopping up a green onion and throwing that in. White bit at the beginning of the boil and the green bits at the end. They’re extremely cheap.
Green onions aren’t cheap everywhere.
i only ever get green onions a few weeks after buying an onion that i didn’t get around to cooking.
Well, I’m no expert, but I believe this is a bit different kind of green onions…
maybe? i’m quite sure you can use them in the same way though. garlic greens are good too. and depending where you live, you can forage good wild options too. my dad’s back yard usually gets a good crop of 3 pointed leeks that i would harvest when i lived with him.
You’re probably right. I have never personally seen them more expensive than like $1.25 for a half dozen.
Frugal tip: You can get a lot more life out of green onions by setting them in a jar of water. Trim what you need from the ends, and the plant will grow probably 3-4 times before you need to replace it.
Well I guess I’m trying this next time I buy green onions
In many places in North America field garlic (which is very similar to green onions) grows voraciously in people’s yards in the Spring. Leave a small patch of yard unmowed and you’ll have more than you know what to do with. Just be careful not to mistake it for death camas.
I’ve got gutter mint, but no volunteer garlic.
I have plans to eventually start a garden once I’m done tearing up the backyard.
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I wouldn’t serve instant noodles to guests either, but you have the gourmet version there.
That sounds delicious and I am going to make that.
Update: This was pretty tasty. I’ll probably use just a spoonful of PB next time. I used half the ramen seasoning packet and added a little fish sauce as well. Scallions would definitely kick it up a notch, but that involves significantly more work.
We do the same thing! Had it yesterday for breakfast. We’ve been buying Ramen packs from Costco that are pretty spicy so we’ve been skipping the Sriracha though.
I wish my Costco had spicy ramen packets. I’ll check again later today just to be sure.
Minus the egg, that’s also a popular backpacking meal.
Toasted bread with blue cheese, a fried egg, hot sauce and maple syrup on top.
Sounds like something I’d pay 16$ to have served by a malnourished hipster on a cutting board to a table lit by a bar bulb as an appetizer.
This sounded really good… until the maple syrup thing. Why? Why?!
Don’t get me wrong. Maple syrup is great. On pancakes or so, but this? This truly is an abomination.
Cause there’s nothing quite like the combination of savoury, salty, spicy and sweet.
Other favorites of mine are chocolate chili, and my famous habanero honey salad dressing.I get that mixing thing, although it’s virtually non-existent in my country’s cuisine. But still, this one doesn’t feel right at all.
Try some sweet jam on a sharp cheese. It’s such a good blend. Some people mix mustard and jelly but I think you can skip that for blue cheese.
I used to work at a bakery and my favourite thing to do was bring home a fresh baguette and eat it with blue cheese.
Hobo salad: Canned kidney beans, canned sweetcorn, canned tuna, salad dressing. If I’m feeling fancy/not lazy I’ll add some chopped shallots or scallions.
my special treat that my partner hates for me to make but gobbles up bowls of: White Rice, Ground Beef, and Cream of Mushroom soup (campbells can). White rice like you like it, Ground the beef and salt generously after draining grease (helps the beef pop out more in the taste), then I usually do half of the milk called for with the soup.
Bed of RIce in a bowl, ground beef on top, then pour the cream of mushroom soup on it. Such a warm and crazy good taste but I get looks whenever I bring it up so I don’t make it that often unless it’s just me for a few days.
It sounds like a barebones beef stroganoff
That does sound really good and sort of appropriate, like a curried beef or something. Idk why anybody gives you a look lol it’s a protein in sauce served over rice, what’s even weird about it?
I think it’s a combination of things, like I’m making ground beef so your mind goes taco but you’re getting a soupy bowl. Also, cream of mushroom soup is just one of those weird soups that doesn’t look or sound good on most people’s radar (see it mostly by itself or with a chicken recipe) but always kicks off a casserole or dish the right way. Then I bust out the rice and the confusion just sets in till they realize I’m already done lol.
…sounds like that’d hit the spot for sure…
I used to eat this all the time, but with instant mash. It looks like vomit, but it is delicious. ❤️
omg, I want to judge but now I’m gonna have to try it.
I already have yours on my next shopping list 😁
I tried yours for dinner! Delicious! 🤌🏾
I bake a mean creamy chicken (like you’d find in a pot pie) but, for whatever fucking reason, I absolutely love that flavor spliced with white vinegar. I have a deep love of pushing tangy sour to the border of spiciness.
A strong acidic zing is missing from a lot of dishes.
Generally I keep white vinegar around specifically for its chemical properties rather than its flavor, though.
Ever try it with malt vinegar?
Yup, that’s also pretty good! I think it pairs better with white vinegar though.
I’ve seen that flavor profile referred to as “squirrel gravy.”
When I’m home alone, I’ll sometimes revert to my “first apartment” mood and cook spaghetti with Campbell tomato soup in it, added with sautéed onions, mushrooms, hotdog sausages, and add cheese in it.
Is probably better than the crappiest thing I could come up with, but I wouldn’t serve that too an adult. But maybe to children.
This sounds like Guy Fieri got super high and wanted chef boyardee.
Id eat it.
Try it :)
…sometimes i do likewise, but for me it’s either totino’s cheese pizza with morningstar spicy black bean burger on top, or a box of uncle ben’s long-grain-and-wild-rice mixed with kraft italian cheese blend and morningstar chik patties baked like a casserole…
I haven’t had this in a while but one if my lazy bachelor meals was baked potatoes with kim chee and sour cream.
I’d eat that.
There’s a banked potato spot in my city that sells just baked potatoes with like 50 variations on the menu. You can get a baked potato topped with anything from chilly to brisket, vegetables, etc
I am disappointed with all of you. Please go to your room.
Sorry dude, that room is the kitchen.
Pasta with ketchup instead of tomato sauce
Rice with ketchup
Ketchup with ketchup
I love ketchup
You love tomato flavored sugar
Guilty as charged
Hey, be fair…
It’s also got a texture that’s different from sugar!
Try filipino ketchup. Its made with banana apparently, i would never have known
That sounds amazing but alas, bananas and plantains make my stomach hurt, so I avoid anything related.
Ahh that sucks, sorry to hear!
I grew up with pasta and ketchup at home.
It was my favourite dish.From one ketchup connoisseur to another, I started with and continue to eat crackers, cheese, and ketchup. Saltine crackers, like the crappy soup kind (don’t get anything fancy), Cheddar cheese (mild works but sharp is a better hit), and then whatever ketchup but I tend to do heinz or store brands since it tends to have more of a vinegary taste.
…i despise ketchup but i still love five way…
Add ground beef and worcestershire
Earlier this week I had curry on nacho chips because I made some really good curry and did not have the energy to make the actual nacho accoutrements that I had planned on doing
It was great
That sounds baller and something you’d find in Texas hill country.
I live in Scotland so, uhh… guess we’ve got the hills and a general attitude towards the bigger country we’re a part of? Not a lot else in common, but still
Oh man, that reminds me of a place near me that does palak paneer fries. It’s like Indian poutine. Amazing.
Just tried a new Indian place near me that has masala fries and poutine on the menu
Have you tried palak paneer pizza? It might be a Baltimore thing. So good.
That is relevant to my interests. I’ll have to pay a visit to Baltimore.
We had Indian pizza places where I used to live in Canada. It just makes so much sense. Lots of saucy food in Indian cuisine that is eaten with bread.
Sandwiches with potato chips between them
That’s not weird. Chips, fries, or tots can/should be in the sandwich.
That is amazing.
Pretty much the go to UK sandwich
Add some marmite in there and you have a meal fit for
a kinga dukea very small earleating.
Cold baked beans straight from the tin, eaten with a spoon. I’m grinning thinking of my dinner guests’ faces as they contemplate their tins.
Corned beef hash right out of the can is alarmingly close to dog food.
And better than it has any right to be.
Pan-fried canned chick peas with black pepper, butter, oregano, basil, and sometimes paprika, chili powder, and hot sauce if I want some kick.
I cook it when I’m in a rush or tired, it’s done in 10-15 minutes, fills me up, and is packed with good protein.
But I would never feed it to anybody else, it’s lazy bro/fitness food lol.
It sounds pretty good actually
I mean, I like it lol, but I love chickpeas, I would almost eat them raw from the can.
If you’re eating them that regularly, it may be worth the savings to buy them dry, and soak overnight before cooking them. I dunno. It is worth it for me.
I buy them in bulk by the can at a pretty good price already, but I’ll look into that, thanks!
You can! I love chickpea salad.
They are good just drizzled in Ranch dressing. LOL
I roast seasoned chickpeas for snacking like that. I’ll top pan fried chickpeas with leftover rice and carrot then let those steam up with the lid on. It helps contain popping beans too lol
Dang, that sounds good, I’ll have to try that lol.
Sounds like a pretty good snack to eat in front of the TV.