Notifications are a pain point:

giving people the ability to curate their notifications. Notifications are what’s driving them nuts. Not posts, not even the technology of Mastodon – it’s replies from assholes.

They need notifications grouped, they really do. Hell, I want that enough that I mostly look at replies from my phone, where I have an ap that groups them.

They need to be able to turn on something like Twitter’s old “quality replies” filter, which served as a junk filter, and a block against pointless below-ban-level negging.

And they need to be able to do it at scale, because if you have 100,000 followers, you can’t reasonably do it one at a time. It’s simply not possible.

    137 months ago

    Lemmy fucking sucks compared to reddit also. I said it. It’s way worse here. The mods are absolutely ridiculous and the echo chamber effect here is insanity. Yes, the echos are more in line with my views but like… that’s not changing the fact that it’s just another echo chamber in the control of a few power Hu gry mods that aren’t accountable to anyone and abuse power to coerce the population.

    Just saying. Now you can be toxic to me for my opinion, and prove me right lol. Have fun

    • Rentlar
      7 months ago

      Hey, your criticisms are welcome, and you’re entitled to your opinion on your Lemmy experience.

      May I gently suggest to you a couple things?

      First, it appears you are spending the largest amount of time on and Perhaps you could take advantage of Lemmy’s de-centralized nature, and join or participate in more communities that are not run by power hungry mods.,,, etc… In my experience, is the server most Reddit-like, is run by tankie idealists, whereas others are principled in other ways. Operators of other servers could be more in line with what you’d want out of a social media platform.

      Second, with all due respect, some of your comments seem to have attitude. Consider this very comment I’m replying to, inviting people to flame you for presenting a negative review of Lemmy. Approaching conversations in an empathetic and compassionate manner may reduce the frequency in which you receive snarky or toxic replies.

      You don’t have to take any of this advice, these are my suggestions for you.

    • @ericjmorey
      47 months ago

      Your experience is valid and I’m sure a lot of people share it. I’m using Discuss.Online differently than Reddit and have been enjoying it more as a result, but the software leaves a lot to be desired and there are fewer communities I’m interested in and of those many are sparsely interacted with by others. There are a few subreddits that died off and never established a federated alternative too.

      37 months ago

      I think the problem is just that Lemmy is small still. As it gets larger it will be arguably much harder for anyone to control things. That said, the echo chamber effect is going to happen no matter what because of how human social interactions work. People tend to gravitate to places that agree with them, and as (American) political discourse continues on its current track, there will be even less middle ground possible to encourage any sort of interaction. Pair that with the (American) right’s being okay with groups of people that wish to infringe on other people’s right to exist and it makes a lot of sense the groups wouldn’t wish to interact.

    • Ech
      -17 months ago

      No one’s forcing you to be here my dude. If it’s that problematic, go do something else with your life that might actually make you happy.

        7 months ago

        Explain to me the impetus behind you even deciding you needed to type this out, in response to what I said?

        Heaven forbid I try to ride something out to see if it gets better or make comments to highlight the things that I would like to see changed. Fuck me I suppose lmao.

        imagine a world full of people who fine with everything as-is… nothing would ever improve. No imagine telling somebody who wants something to be better that they should just go away. It’s what you’ve done.

        • Ech
          -17 months ago

          Just advocating for your mental health. Clearly everything’s going well with you though.

          • @ericjmorey
            7 months ago

            I understand that ubermeisters has been confrontational and that’s annoying as fuck. But your reply, even with clear good intentions, feeds the negativity with its tone. Had you not included the second sentence, you would have gotten your message across clearly without negativity. I get it though, ubermeisters attitude does them no favors and is irritating. Sometimes is best to just let it go and maybe even block people who aren’t a positive influence to your own mental health.

            Hope you’re well today.

  • Rentlar
    7 months ago

    Yeah I really feel for Alec and his Mastodon problems (I would mention his handle but that would be yet another ping). Twitter never appealed to me but Mastodon seems even harder to use, even just going through OP’s linked thread was hard for me having to open up each reply. Then any time a related thread comes up elsewhere in the Fediverse, all those mentions end up in the original person’s account.

    Months ago I posted a TechConnections video on Lemmy and added his Masto handle in there. He was receiving all the Lemmings replies too, possibly unbeknownst to the people commenting on my post. There was some criticism towards Alec mixed in with the praise.

    I think it was part of the point of Twitter to follow famous people’s musings… If you have an amount of notifs that would make your phone vibrate off the table all damn day, that’s not a good experience.

    • @ericjmorey
      47 months ago

      There are definitely technical improvements that can be made to make Mastodon a more enjoyable experience for major or minor celebrities and their following. I hope people using Mastodon come around on their views on algorithmic filtering. They are on the “naive algorithm or bust” train. Giving users more control over their feeds and notifications algorithmically seems like such an obvious win to me.

      • Rentlar
        37 months ago

        I think it would be good as an “opt-in” feature to placate anti-algorithm folks.

        I am privacy conscious to an extent, but I’d be ok with data collection and “algorithms” if they are clearly defined and have a clear purpose. Masto being open source would for the most part satisfy my requirements for transparency…