I wouldn’t choose Twilight, but I get the same feeling when I’m reading any romance novel. Not much substance but my mood is ten times better.
I wouldn’t choose Twilight, but I get the same feeling when I’m reading any romance novel. Not much substance but my mood is ten times better.
Eve - 200 million years of evolution using a female perspective
Actually finished feeling happy to be born female which working in a male dominated industry (engineering) and enjoying male dominated hobbies (skiing, climbing, backpacking) often leaves me only surrounded by guys and feeling ‘wrong’ to not be able to match their ways of doing things instead of able to focus on my unique abilities.
In the middle of The Way of Kings in anticipation of reading book 5.
My extended family is in Europe.
My sister is in Tennessee. I’m in Utah. Our parents are in California. We’re all a time zone apart. I’m an 11 hour drive from my parents. Or a 2 ish hour direct flight. 5-6 hour trip with connections and such. They’re an hour from the nearest airport. My sister has a harder time making the trip.
Everyone I work with is much better to family and it’s a little strange.
The lack of PTO is especially rough when my family is abroad.
I’ve read over 50 books since the start of the year. I only buy a book after I’ve read it 2-3 times. How? Sign up at your local library! (And keep signing up wherever you can get proof of residence; I’ve managed to collect 4 library cards.) And then find whatever system they have for borrowing e-books (mine work well with Libby). I’ve found that I almost never lack for books. A kindle or e-reader could be a good investment to limit screen time; you can download library e books onto them auite often.
Browsing the physical library is more fun than browsing online for books. Just pick the covers you like, check if the summary sounds fun, and give it a shot. Never feel guilty if you don’t read a book you checked out or put a hold on. Sometimes it just doesn’t sound as good two days later.
This happened in 2023… So a year ago now. This is what happens when California gets a wet year.
“a protest against Dutch subsidies and tax breaks to companies linked to fossil fuel industries”
We can do all the activities you mention with a much lower impact. And fighting climate change allows many farmers in developing countries to actually survive. (Think of the problems with cocoa harvests failing or with Mongolian herders losing herds three years in a row instead of once a decade.)
Yes. It’s always a good question to ask yourself:
Would you rather be effective or be right?
Thanks. I’ve been very angry out of a feeling of complete helplessness. I’m reading a book about data bias in relation to gender (invisible women) and it’s hitting a lot of sore points that come up being in an office that’s 10% female… There’s four of us.
Hehehehehe sounds like satire as you point this out to how often the opposite happens
Hey! I’m part of a trend!
Keeping it under 10-12k total. Biggest splurges so far are 1.5k custom tailored three piece suit and 1.6k for photographer to cover the entire day without hour limits. Food will be about half the total cost.
But grocery store flowers, digital invites, thrifted dress, basic rings, picnic area ceremony and restaurant rehearsal. No DJ. No alcohol. No florist.
I can’t argue that the way the US provides many services based off wealth is fair - I believe we should have a universal system that we all benefit from. Why should someone making less than me get better services than me because my job offers worse insurance than they get? We should all benefit.
But, if the choice is that no one benefits or that of our current system. I’ll choose our current system. Because I don’t know if I’ll be the one on the other side 40 years from now.
Wait really?? That makes so much more sense 🤣
I’m dying now because that’s literally what I thought when my extended family says it.
What part of California?
Not quite an idiom but term of endearment: petit chou in French is little cabbage but is often used for young kids…
2a. If this is a lease - by my understanding, you don’t own the car in any way and never will. It’s simply a monthly payment on its own and at the end of the lease you return the car? So I would just set a monthly category. 2b. If you mean it’s a loan and eventually you’ll own the car, then I would create a loan category and find out the terms (interest, minimum payment, ability/consequences to pay off early) and do exactly what you are thinking.
Final bit of wisdom, friends/family and owing money is never a great way to keep a relationship healthy. Most people with the ability to pay a loan back have many options to go to banks and credit unions. If they’re asking friends/family, I would expect either they’re struggling financially (not to discount circumstances where they are unable to interact with the financial system… Language, age, citizenship, etc.). Don’t loan money - just gift it. If you aren’t comfortable with that set boundaries and say no. You deserve better.
Proposals should never be a surprise in any case!
I’m sorry for the hate :( It sounds like you’re feeding her the proper diet and I appreciate the info. (And taking her to the vet and keeping her inside which is so much more than most of the people I’ve encountered know how to do!!) My bun refuses to come inside even when it’s hot out. I have to chase her off the balcony every few hours to cool down.
Nom nom! I love baguettes more anyway!
My native French speaking mom will occasionally address my non-french speaking husband in French without realizing unless I tell her and even then she only knows because I’ve told her.