I have two dogs and they bark at me in an unique way when requesting my attention or when I’m arriving home, so I expect that to be my “name” to them.
Don’t dogs identify individuals mostly based on smell? Would you have a smell-name?
Is that true? Explains why my dog behaves differently after my quarterly shower. Poor dude doesn’t recognise me.
quarterly shower
Even humans wouldn’t recognise you before and after that.
They do.
My smell-name would probably be something like sweaty ass with a hint of Nivea.
Finally, something that knows me by my street name: Big Smoke.
POV, you’re a hard working mechanic and you’re dog calls you “Crotch Funk McGreasyclothes.” But you don’t speak dog, so all you know is that they love to stick their snoot in your crotch the second you sit down after getting home from work.
This led me down a weird chain of thought where I ended up at an internet for dogs, where they complain about smell profiles, and smellprint resisting browsers.
I am known as Bark Bark…
Pleased to meet you Bark Bark, I’m Bjork Bach.
That’s the best part. It’s actually the same name either way. They just pronounce “dipshit” different than we do is all.
Nah, that’s what CATS named all of us
You take that back
You know what? I want a divorce.
Woof :(
I believe I have been named (pseudo sneeze sound) + (happy grin pant) + (one second pack howl).
Dogs don’t even know they are dogs.
What would be your dog name?
I think Moon Moon is quite popular
Ebony Fire… Sounds straight out of a R rated movie
Mine is just about as boring as possible: “Grey Wolf” 🤦
If we go with my Lemmy name, though, i’d say that Graceful Red is a pretty good nickname for a 1950s lounge singer 😄
Grey Red. What the fuck?
White Hunter, lol
Bruh I’m Alpha Temptress
Dominatrix vibes.
Me too! Wanna get married?
But… But… Who’s gonna top?
Why chose?
(But go ahead, please.)No… No u locks chastity cage
Edit: sigh, I’m not cut out for this.
Scarred Claw?
At least yours isn’t ultra-cringe due to negative connotation…
OMG, Ronald McDonald?
Lol gdi I showed my friend this over a decade ago and she would call me Beautiful Vixen for years just to annoy me. … I should send it to her again.
Ravenous Omega Warrior
I’m okay with this. I may be changing my username…
Wolfy McWolfface
My dog name would be pillow, because she loves laying on me.
I read a series of HFY stories that showed the human and a some dogs (all abductees) getting telecommunication brain chips, and they absolutely did. They called humans “name-givers” and took pride in their many names and nicknames as bestowed by their particular name-give friends and family.
Woof woof
Some humans are named after angels.
Were you in Miss Phipps’ class with Abaddon The Bringer Of Anguish too?
Not that I’m aware of.